I Was Just Wondering???

Edit My Images
what kind of Image Editing is the best?
e.g Adobe Photoshop Elements, CS3 / CS4
I have CS3 but i dont really like it.
So if someone can tell me about anythiung better out there to better my photos, i would be greatful. :)
Hi georgebou and welcome to TP. I will be honest here with my opinion as I think sometimes it is the only way ;) Having just looked at the pics you have posted so far, is this the kind of stuff you want to improve upon in editing? :shrug: As mentioned in those shots, the lighting is letting you down so this would be a place to start. You say you have cs3 and dont like it but have not given your reasons, try posting up a picture you have edited and also include a before version, that way you can get some advice from people. I have been teaching myself editing, and picking up pointers along the way, still a way to go but thats the fun of it :LOL: I struggled myself with cs to start with but glad I stuck with it, if you can get a feel for understanding the basics like exposure,levels,curves, sharpening etc: then you will be well on your way to adding a bit of punch to your pics.
First off thank you for your honesty, i know some off my photos arnt the best but im still in college and just started learning about all this. so this is why i dont like CS3 as its very confusing, but im trying. i have just started using the site after a break so i will be putting some new photos up soon for all to see.
When i put some up i hope you see the difference a few months make. :)
Photoshop is heavy going at first, but when you have got used to it you'll find it easy enough to use, there is a learning curve.
That said photoshop is the industry standard, and it is very good, many would argue the best photo editing software.
If you're completely new to Photo editing have a play with Google Picasa.

It's a free download and is very simple. You can even click on the lucky button and it (might) improve your images. This is how I started and then I tried to understand exactly WHAT it was changing with the image. I then moved on to Photoshop Elements. I found the jump quite big but bought a book and tried to learn it. I'm no expert but know enough to do what I want to do.

Perhaps what you really want to do is work out WHAT you want to do with the photo. If you have an OK photo then normally all you need is a slight tweak of the levels and perhaps saturation to make it shine :)
CS 3 is a very good program. It can be owerwhelming at first with all features, and you probably need to get the basics down first. There are fortunately a ton of tutorials online that are free as well as learning centers as www.lynda.com.

For free tutorials, Google is your best friend. Just write photoshop + the tool or effect you want.

There are also collections of tutorials to fins. For instance this one, with 70 beauty retouch tutorials in different categories.


There are also free software to process your images, some does not even need to be installed or downloaded, they just open in the browser, as www.pixlr.com

Dont think you'll find anything better than Photoshop CS3 though ( maybe CS4 then =) ).