I went to a brothel the other day.

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in Pompeii. :D

The sign outside advertising what it is. (not the written sign ;) )

DSC_4527 by kas10, on Flickr

These are paintings on the walls that have survived since 79AD. Showing the clients some 'positions'


DSC_4521 by kas10, on Flickr


DSC_4522 by kas10, on Flickr


DSC_4523 by kas10, on Flickr


DSC_4524 by kas10, on Flickr


DSC_4525 by kas10, on Flickr

Amazing how these and the other paintings have survived so long.

You leave the whole site feeling totally humbled and with a realisation that we as humans haven't really improved on much at all.
They had speed bumps, cats eyes in the roads and pavements!

I took lots of images. I'll try and get through them and post a few more.

aah I see it ;)

The pics have worn well, I hope you had a fab trip
aah I see it ;)

The pics have worn well, I hope you had a fab trip

I did thanks. We also visited Herculaneum and Rome. Herculanium is in even better condition than Pompeii.
I managed to be just about the first one in the morning there. So managed shots without tourists in them. :D

Good pictures!!!
This is One place i am hoping to visit next year!
Europe has some fantastic places to visit!
Good pictures!!!
This is One place i am hoping to visit next year!
Europe has some fantastic places to visit!

Go Justin. Truly leaves you speechless. Allow a long time for Pompeii. It's huge!
It was a tad too hot when we went.

I'm waiting until I can go on holiday without my kids, would love to visit
Hi Kevin, I loved Pompeii it is an amazing place. Did you get a photo of the guy weighing his 'member', that one is so clear you can't miss it.

The one thing I was in awe of was Mt Vesuvius, I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it just seemed to draw me. Awesome.
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Hi Kevin, I loved Pompeii it is an amazing place. Did you get a photo of the guy weighing his 'member', that one is so clear you can't miss it.

The one thing I was in awe of was Mt Vesuvius, I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it just seemed to draw me. Awesome.

I've just had a quick look. I don't seem to have. It was probably where all the crowds of tourists were. I was getting fed up of the crowds to be honest. :bang:
That's why i enjoyed Herculanium so much. :)

Well done. The paintings (frescos?) aren't in the best condition, but they're survived surprisingly well and you've done them justice.

Odd to think that female visitors weren't permitted to visit the brothel in Pompeii because of these images until about 20 years ago IIRC.
This is the one of "Priapus weighing his Phallus"
