Idea - Film Photo Showcase Thread

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I'm trying to remember the shot I wanted to nominate, but it could be in several places! I think I "liked" it... is there a way I can find the posts I have "liked"? I think I can do the opposite, that is find any posts of mine that have been "liked", but that's not much help for the nomination!
Go into your profile Chris, then click on the recent activity tab, and there's a list of what you've been doing... things you've liked show up in there...
Thanks... pic found, nomination sent!
Thanks... pic found, nomination sent!
Sorry folks - going to be tomorrow before I can sort anything for the new 2014 Showcase - I've had 3 nominations, all for different images, and (to my shame) I've been full of cold for the last 4 days and just not felt up to having my own little browse around to see if I can pick something. Good news is I'm feeling a bit more alert today, so I'm going to have a little trawl tonight and there'll be a thread started tomorrow morning.
Girl, put your big boy pants on and get browsing :D

I've got bursitis, plantar fattyarseis, rotator cuff problems, serious indigestion, hiatus hernia issues and a bad back but you don't hear me complaining....:exit:
Girl, put your big boy pants on and get browsing :D

I've got bursitis, plantar fattyarseis, rotator cuff problems, serious indigestion, hiatus hernia issues and a bad back but you don't hear me complaining....:exit:

Beautiful shot in B&W of a great country pursuit, well done Lee.
Wow...thank you, there are just so many great images being posted, I wasn't expecting mine to be chosen...

@TheBigYin so when are we meant to be sending our nominations in now, as I guessed it's changed?.
We're running Wednesday 00:01am to Tuesday 23:59pm for a given week, nominations to be in by the end of the wednesday after shots are eligeable...

so, for example this week (week 2) is shots first displayed between 00:01 on 8th Jan and 23:59on the 14th Jan, nominations in by midnight 15th and hopefully I add the new post to the thread on the 16th
Spot on, a great shot.
Well that was a surprise. Thank you everyone!

As for seeing it come out of the soup, when the film first comes out of the tank it looks murky and the colours don't look right and you think, 'Oh no, what have I done...?!'
But then as it dries hanging up over the bath it all starts to take shape there's a growing sense of excitement and you think, 'Hmm...might have something here'.
But it's not until you get it onto a lightbox that you really know for sure.

It's an adventure this film photography lark! :)
Well that was a surprise. Thank you everyone!

As for seeing it come out of the soup, when the film first comes out of the tank it looks murky and the colours don't look right and you think, 'Oh no, what have I done...?!'
But then as it dries hanging up over the bath it all starts to take shape there's a growing sense of excitement and you think, 'Hmm...might have something here'.
But it's not until you get it onto a lightbox that you really know for sure.

It's an adventure this film photography lark! :)

Congratulations, Roger, and very nicely put, too...
Well done Roger,it is without doubt a wonderful photograph.
An excellent choice, a really lovely and slightly different child portrait. Excellent work Rob and well done.

Well done Rob, cracking shot and at the risk of upsetting the film gods and being burnt as a heretic I think your digi shots are even better.
Thanks everyone. I was quite surprised as there have been some great shots posted recently.
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Weekly thread Bump - this weeks shots are up here - and once again its congratulations to @cariadus - well done indeed Roger.

Can I also add a reminder to everyone, including the new posters, that this thread is only going to survive if people actually nominate something - otherwise it just becomes "TBY's pick of the week" - a couple of people are still nominating, but probably less than 10% of the people who've actually posted something (either a comment or picture) in the "Show us..." thread...

Okay - nagging over - lets get back to the pretty pictures :)
Yep - drop me a "conversation" with a link to the picture and (if you can manage it) the specific image - just for the sake of clarity in case there are more than one shots in a single post - otherwise, I end up having to get back to you with a "confirmation picture" just to make sure...
Yep - drop me a "conversation" with a link to the picture and (if you can manage it) the specific image - just for the sake of clarity in case there are more than one shots in a single post - otherwise, I end up having to get back to you with a "confirmation picture" just to make sure...

OK, thanks. I'll try to remember to do that with shots I particularly like.
rather than have no nominations, I'd sooner people sent in a nomination for every shot they REALLY think is worthy of getting into the showcase thread. If that means there's nothing you can nominate in a week, so be it... but equally, if there are shots every other day, just bang 'em in, and I'll take care of what week they belong in and keep the scores.
rather than have no nominations, I'd sooner people sent in a nomination for every shot they REALLY think is worthy of getting into the showcase thread. If that means there's nothing you can nominate in a week, so be it... but equally, if there are shots every other day, just bang 'em in, and I'll take care of what week they belong in and keep the scores.
That makes sense Mark, I've been trying to wait until the last minute just in case something better comes in, then I end up getting busy and forgetting to nominate.
Week 4 added here - congratulations to @dave clayton for a really lovely series of images - I think that pretty much every shot in the series got a nomination (well, they definitely did, as one person did a "blanket" nomination of the entire set... :LOL:)
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