If you want to feel gutted look here...

Edit My Images
Just been zooming round Pbase looking at new images posted and have just found this site...


The images posted by this gent leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth and the following words ringing in my ears..... MUST TRY HARDER....... like being back at school.

dammit, its one of those things 'dont look' and you do:(
But surely good photographs should inspire you rather than make you want to give up? I didn't have a look at all the images on the site, but they leave me thinking 'wow - I'd love to take pics like that'. I am ever the optimist :)
Wow. Absolutely stunning.
Thats one of those things I dont bother looking at. I give it a quick glance and say "so what... i might get that good!! :D"
OK, so he's got a PhD -Doctor of Photography and I've just failed GCSE Snapshots. Shane Warne was famous for never giving up, we'll have to roll up sleeves and give it a go. Thanks for the link.
Amazing images!!
I do not get the feeling I want to give up I find inspiration from trawling round all the Photography sites, I was just pointing out how it makes me feel I am back in school..... with those word ringing in my ear.

As other above have stated it just drives me harder to try and gain the skill and proficiency to achieve images of that impact.

Boy, he's good.
yes he is good but look at the range of subjects right on his doorstep, if you try and shoot wildlife around where I live it's sparrow, cat , pigeon ,dog :D
His stuff looks pretty good, lots of them stunning.
His flower skills need a little work though, some peeps on TP could give him a run for his money. :)
:This guy is good ,a very nice style i wonder how many were binned to achieve that gallery it makes me want to do better......JIM:)
There will always be someone better than you no matter what you do be it photography, driving, playing football or brain surgery :D

Since i signed up here i feel everyone is better than me :nuts:

The key is being happy with what YOU do and stuff everyone else (y)
Wow - some stunning images which I would have been so proud to have taken. But, hey I can keep trying, and trying, and trying etc.....

I always look at my pics and think 'next time I'll do it another way ...' and then the next time I say the same again. If I ever got that totally perfect, fulfilling shot .......

..... what would I do with the rest of my life :shrug:

(This is my consolation, and what keeps me trying... )

They're good but.........

Most of his landscape stuff is of the same stand of trees in the same swamp at different times of day/year and from various angles.
When he was born they thought the umbilical cord was strangling him, then they realized he had a camera strapped around his neck :D ,seriously truly some stunning work there, it should never put us off but want to make us get out there and inspire us, or am i being to optimistic.
:This guy is good ,a very nice style i wonder how many were binned to achieve that gallery it makes me want to do better......JIM:)

Indeed, we can be sure I'd guess..... (y)
I'm wondering how many sunsets and sunrises did he have to sit through to shoot those stunners we see today. Years of them I'd imagine...thats the dedication it takes to produce a gallery like that....not just the technical skills but the passion to find and capture that in incredible light and make the most out of any locations.
Is this guy for real or have we all been sent a new learning curve. Maybe its not what you've got and it is what you do with it. I don't think so!
Some excellent stuff just makes me want to strive harder and improve :)

...and get some more lenses :LOL:
If you go his "sold" images, there stunning, so if you can produce that sort of quality, then I think you've cracked it.
This guy has too much time on his hands and lives in a wonderful area of the US.
What else could he do?
He certainly has a good eye for spectacular shots. I`m not at all jealous, honest :shake:
yes he is good but look at the range of subjects right on his doorstep, if you try and shoot wildlife around where I live it's sparrow, cat , pigeon ,dog :D

Haha - very true :LOL:

I think 50% of the story behind every incredible photo is about actually going out and finding them - getting the shot in the camera and the equipment you use is just the other 50% ;)