In the garden today

Love the first picture, thought it was a newt at first.
On #4 personally i think you've got the DOF spot on, its a great shot.
#5 is the only one im not keen on, but only cause of the leaf hes headbutting and his awkward look to him.

All in all though, a great set i think.
Interesting that it stayed around for long enough for you to take 6 shots :)
ziggy© said:
Interesting that it stayed around for long enough for you to take 6 shots :)

That's why I showed the one where he is facing the other leaf, just to show he didn't visit the freezer or was placed there :LOL:
But I assure you, that's how I found it and he didn't stay still once, which was a challenge in itself!
3,4 and 5 are my picks from this set. 1 would have been the best if you had just had a little more DOF to fully cover the eyes making them sharp.