Ipad users....advice please

I don't use my iPad for demoing work however I use the built in photo app a lot. There is an albums feature allowing easy organisation. The main advantage of this is how intuitive it is to use so you wouldnt have to explain how to use it to the client.

I have also found Flickr very pleasant to use in full screen on iPad
I use the stock photo app. Its so intuitive and those already with an iPad know how to use it.

Problem is, the new ipads screen is so good, it makes photos on any other medium look inferior. Even when printing out.
I mainly use the photo app. Although I have been experimenting with the Spyder app, but not really sure if they are calibrated, or the vibrancy is boosted to make them look better...
Stock photo app for me too, don't use it for business but its perfect for showing pics of the kids to ther grandparents. Simple to use and does exactly what you want.
The OP obviously didn't notice it was a link ;)

You've got me looking at it now... and I didn't think I needed it :bonk:
Bog standard photo app for me... works a treat with a nice bit of music..