iPhone photos

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I am a total beginner with a DSLR, never really had a 'proper' camera before even as a child wasn't really interested. Until it was my other half's 50th birthday and we went on a cruise. I didn't have a camera only my iPhone, but I wish I had. I have over 400 photos on my phone ( some of them are pretty good santorini looks great with the bright blue sky and whitewashed buildings but what do I do with them? I did have some printed - total waste of money because far too grainy. That's what got me into photography ( or should I say wanting to learn more)

Any ideas what can be done with the 400 iPhone photo's or is it one for the bin?:help:
I've had plenty of pics printed from an iPhone 4S and they were pretty good. OK, certainly not 'high quality', but good for snapshots. At 6x4 they're OK.

iPhone photos look very good 'on screen'. Perhaps you could splash out on one of those digital photo frames that play images from an sd card? That way you get a lovely slideshow of all the pictures. The iPhone pics will probably look very good on them and those photo frames are actually pretty cheap these days.
You mention you have a DSLR, so I guess you must be using some kind of processing software based on a computer hard drive. There is nothing to stop you importing iPhone photos into your system and handling the image files as you would handle those for your DSLR. There's nothing wrong with using images shot on an iPhone as can be seen by some of the expert iPhone web sites.
I regularly use my iPhone 5s if I happen not to have my Nikon D810 or Lumix LX7 with me. You should never scrap any photos unless you have imported them into your PP system and checked them out full size. I use Lightroom 5 and I always import all camera images, including iPhone, before I decide to delete them, (and I delete an awful lot :) )
A slideshow on a digital photoframe is an excellent idea. It's what Mrs Llama and I did with our wedding photos and I much prefer it to having a single photo in a frame. Also saves having to choose your favourite...