
Edit My Images
A recent shot of my boy. He never EVER smiles for the camera anymore...

It's a lovely shot (y)
Some kids love the camera and pose as soon at you get it out, which is good sometimes, but a pain when you want to capture something natrual and there's the others who won't have their picture taken.
In both cases my advice is to have your camera there, and play at taking shots away from the kids (and adults) until they just get use to you being there. Then you will have a cance to get those candid shots. If you have another cheap camera let them play with that.

I think your picture is really good, and if that's how he is at the moment - then that's a memory that will come back when you look at it 10 years down the line.

Softly, softly will pay in the long run.

Just one point- why did you convert it to B&W?
Oh, he used to smile for me... I think it's just that he's been worn down over his 2.5 short years from his mummy always taking pictures! ;)

I edited it in colour initially, but he's so blond that a lot of the highlights in his hair were blown out in the back. I just decided to convert it and quite liked the clarity of his irises so I kept it that way.
I would say you need some background separation. The background needs to be darker.

I believe kids attitude can change with age significantly (at least I was like that). Much longer lens (200mm or so; - to wideangle geeks - no you can't take candid with 30mm and don't even try) could help you to get nice candids. Also try to cheer him up, and don't take too long to aim.
Love it, love the processing too, he has wonderful eyes :)
Nice idea, but merges a bit into the bg.