Daily JohnN's attempt at a 366 project for 2012 (failed - I missed a day!)

Spotted the...

365's One shot a day.....

... at the top, so I best stop this indecision or I'll be getting a well deserved slap!!

Anyway I had originally thought to do one of the moon rise tonight, luckily (as it clouded over!) I went up stairs to get my key, and spotted this shot jumping up from the floor at me in her room... Thank you youngling :)

Oh, the names a partial play on words refering back to the snipped dogs tail, which in my mind is now called "You loose... tails" ;)

Day 9 - Heads I Win by magsnorton, on Flickr
Love the shot of the moon John - great detail captured! Do you mind if i ask what lens and settings you used for this?


Sorry I didn't realise some pics broke, I'll sort them when I'm at my pc

The lens for the moon shot was the sigma 50-500 OS with kenro 1.4 teleconvertor, annoyingly I just realised I forgot to lock the mirror up :(
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A couple of really great photo's since my last visit (y) but there are some that are currently unavailable :shrug: I love that moon photo, lost of detail, well exposed (y)


Cheers for that - all fixed now, I can only presume a lightroom update knocked the versions out :shrug:
Cheers again - today its been a poor day, late out of work, then when I did get back I got a call from... you guessed it work!

Still I got something (after some severe prodding from the better half :D), in case you're wondering what on earth it is its my daughter's kickboxing trophy.

Day 11 - Kickboxer by magsnorton, on Flickr
I did indeed!

I forget now but its written in the text underline the image. I'm on my phone so haven't the res to see
Cheers Mat, despite the nafness of the trophy (not the best quality item I've seen!) I was quite pleased with that fist
Its worse than that... that was the second sandwich to be nabbed!!! That said the wee fellow loved it, so I'm not all that evil.

Speaking of which, day 15...

Day 15 - Captivated by magsnorton, on Flickr

Lightroom 4's new feature - adding noise reduction to the adjustment brush is what made this possible.
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I think it was Roary on youtube, so a little tamer :)

Yep LR4 is worth a play, but remember you cannot import catalogues, so come full release you've the choice of keep the stuff you played with in beta or keep everything from the LR3 cats, as far as I'm aware there is no merge.
I think it was Roary on youtube, so a little tamer :)

Yep LR4 is worth a play, but remember you cannot import catalogues, so come full release you've the choice of keep the stuff you played with in beta or keep everything from the LR3 cats, as far as I'm aware there is no merge.

In that case I'll stay with 3 for the time being.
Day 16 - Frost.

I struggled with todays pick as I had five that could easily have made the grade from this mornings shots and although sharing the frost theme they were all quite different.

This one only really won out because of the splash of colour in the background.

When I get round to sorting out my backlog they'll all end up on flickr.

Day 16 - Frosty by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Cheers you guys, I really liked how the green man turned out and the "Clive" the peacock was such fun :D

Heres todays - a bit of selective colouring - on my 500px theres my alternative - Ivy Hearts.

Day 18 - Ivy Leaf by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Twas a good leaf, but it didn;t work for me - I think its one of my weaker shots so far.
Having just got a shiny new (cheapie) ebay gimbal I thought I'd make todays a test shot - the wee lad however thought better of this!

Not only did he pose but he insisted every shot be instantly checked for quality - he even (via the medium of pointing and shouting "ughh") directed me to get a different (more appropriate) lens - I went through a 100mm and 85mm before he deemed the Tamron 28-75 suitable, then he sent me back to get the flash. Still not satisfied he make me lie down to get a good angle (although in fairness I had thought of that bit myself!)

The scary thing he was right!!!

Day 19 - A boy and his gimbal by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Mealworms - funny the stuff I have lying about my desk!!
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