Just A Moan

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Just want to have a moan

I sent an invoice out over a month ago and as there had been no sign of payment I sent the guy a message saying did you get my invoice and if so could you please pay it asap.

He gets in touch as says what invoice? and he didn't think he had anything outstanding and could I email him over a copy of the invoice.

So then even more games begin....

He goes to me well that's very expensive, what's it for?

I am like wtf! so I say back to him it details what its for on the invoice, even so I also send him another break down of the invoice via email.

He comes back again with it still seems expensive.

By this time I am really starting to get the hump as he knew full well what the costs would be and I am thinking to myself stop being a dick and just pay your ****ing bill will you.

So anyway I say to him as a gesture of goodwill I will knock a chunk off his invoice if he pays the rest of it by direct bank transfer by close of business.

Well it seems he didn't want to take me up on that offer as no money has been paid.

Well I have had enough now and have since sent him a message saying pay the full amount ASAP

What is it with people wanting to mess you around when you invoice them for the work you have done?

End of moan
I wouldn't have offered a discount when he's in the wrong.

Especially at this time of year, I get customers coming out of the woodwork saying they're desperate etc yet not opting for priority shipping. Meanwhile, the most valued customers almost go unnoticed, cos they order in good time, pay promptly, don't cause any hassle.

Hope your problem is soon sorted. The law is on your side.
Keep on to him, and keep a paper trail, turn on request read receipt and send another invoice by email and recorded mail, that way he can't deny getting them.
May be worth the threat of small claims court.
27th December 2010 a cheque for the full amount landed on my door mat.

However it remains to be seen if the cheque is honoured once I bank it
Fingers crossed he won't play silly buggers again.
Neither are really practicable.

We do work for his company, have been for the last 4 years, and he is well aware of what the charges are and although I have had to poke him in the past about payment this is the first time he has really tried it on.

Fair enough :shrug:
Neither are really practicable.

We do work for his company, have been for the last 4 years, and he is well aware of what the charges are and although I have had to poke him in the past about payment this is the first time he has really tried it on.

Being the cynic I am I might be doing another credit check before I agreed to do more work...
TinaC said:
Being the cynic I am I might be doing another credit check before I agreed to do more work...

Not cynical Tina more shrewd I think.
Being the cynic I am I might be doing another credit check before I agreed to do more work...

I am ahead of you there, him and his company are good for the money

I think he is just one of those guys who gets anal about paying his bills on time and if he can get something off it he will try it on.

I guess it just really rubbed me up the wrong way this time
photon said:
the most valued customers almost go unnoticed, cos they order in good time, pay promptly, don't cause any hassle.

Indeed. A shame but I suppose it's the way of things. We have expectations and when they are met, that's the end of it. If not then things become out of the ordinary and more notable.

Hope the cheque clears and you can crack on. With any luck if he's a regular, it might just be seasonal blues and it won't happen again. If it did, I'd avoid in the future.