
Edit My Images
Hi all.

I posted some photos of Katie a while back after she had completed an online course to become a personal trainer.

So a while as past and Katie as started to work at a large Gym chain we all know which one ( they are everywhere)

I had no idea how these things work. It seems you have to run a number of classes for the gym per week which covers you to then use the gym for your own clients, which you have to find.

So Katie is planning to run a session "Booty Camp" new to me but apperantly it's a thing.

She wanted a photo for a poster promoting the class.

The image would be cut out and placed on a backround containing her brand/theme colours.

Would be good to get some critique on the images.


First image is the one she used.



Has to be the first for the advert. A) It shows the 'booty to best effect (although the third one does as well) and B) she is looking at the camera (whereas she isn't in the third one).

The middle one just looks like a dirty old man took a candid and got caught out by a displeased woman.
I presume "booty" is about bottoms? Can't comment from that point of view, so to speak, but I just feel it would be more encouraging if she looked happy or as if it would be fun? Maybe this is the look she wants, but as an advert and promotion, I'd have thought something that showed her being pleased with herself might be appropriate? Not my genre though so feel free to ignore.
I presume "booty" is about bottoms? Can't comment from that point of view, so to speak, but I just feel it would be more encouraging if she looked happy or as if it would be fun? Maybe this is the look she wants, but as an advert and promotion, I'd have thought something that showed her being pleased with herself might be appropriate? Not my genre though so feel free to ignore.

That occurred to me too.

Also in the first and more so in the last photo I think her right hand/finger is maybe creating an er, unwanted visual effect.
As long as she is happy that is the main thing. The main improvement that I could think of would be more separation between her hair and the background - especially given the background will be replaced.
Who is the promotion/advert aimed at?

Is it aimed at women who want to look like that, or is it aimed at men who want their woman to look like that?

I imagine it would probably be aimed at women, as a man showing his woman the advert and telling her she needs/should to look like that would probably not get a very polite response.

Therefore I think women's opinion would probably be more valuable, and maybe her friends could give opinions.

Although I don't really like the look, I would say the first one cropped at the waist, leaving out the top half of the picture, that way it would look more like a promotion of the topic, and less like the promotion of a body.
And would look more balanced once text/logo etc has been added.

If she wants her face on the advert, then a smaller separate image places in a top corner would look better.
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lighting and focus seems spot on
personal opinions:
- 1 seems better - eye contact - but right eye partially closed...
- 3 missing the smile - as dood posted, no eye contact is more innocent

but main feedback would be from Katie, which she likes.. and if not liking, can reshoot :)

all the best for you and her in the future
I think the first is the best of the bunch in terms of the pose, but feel the facial expressions in all of them are a little too saucy. The usual thing for gym/class posters are either a serious/focused/mid workout look, or a big ol' smile so as not to scare off the 40 year olds.

You've lit her wonderfully to really show off her figure, but again it feels a little too saucy and doesn't really feel "active". Looking at this I'd be expecting a candlelit yoga session. More reflection from the right or just lifting he shadows would probably help, at least around her face and upper body if you really don't want to change the lower body.
Both 1 and 3 show a little bit of her finger between her legs which I would probably clone out. It might just be rim light in the first, but either way it's a little distracting and I'd tone it down. As others have said separating her hair from the background looks like it will be hard work.

That all sounds very negative, but you asked for critique not compliments! ;) Overall I think they look great, it's just when someone asks for critique I tend to get nitpicky, especially when they've already done a good job. Personally I'd be happy with them both as a photographer and as a client.
Nice images but personally I would choose the 2nd one for the poster/advert
Thanks Keith
Nice work Gaz, I can't offer much, but I think you both nailed the "Booty camp" style (y)

Edit - forgot to say I was refering to 1st image
Cheers Gav.
Has to be the first for the advert. A) It shows the 'booty to best effect (although the third one does as well) and B) she is looking at the camera (whereas she isn't in the third one).

The middle one just looks like a dirty old man took a candid and got caught out by a displeased woman.
Thanks Martin
I presume "booty" is about bottoms? Can't comment from that point of view, so to speak, but I just feel it would be more encouraging if she looked happy or as if it would be fun? Maybe this is the look she wants, but as an advert and promotion, I'd have thought something that showed her being pleased with herself might be appropriate? Not my genre though so feel free to ignore.
Thanks Lindsay.
You assumed right :) We did take more photos some with smiles I knew she would not choose one of those, as for some reason she is not keen of herself smiling in images.
That occurred to me too.

Also in the first and more so in the last photo I think her right hand/finger is maybe creating an er, unwanted visual effect.
Thanks Alan.
Strange I missed that in editing yet when taking the images I did notice this happening and adjusted the positioning of her hands. Course my head was full other stuff at the time so I let it slip again.
As long as she is happy that is the main thing. The main improvement that I could think of would be more separation between her hair and the background - especially given the background will be replaced.
Thanks Lewis. Yes she were happy with them. You are correct regarding light on her hair. At the time I were so pleased with myself that I had managed to get a rim light on her body that I didn't notice it had not reached up to her hair.
Had not cut anything out of a background before this. The body was easy enough but the hair was problem so it did look an obvious smooth cut out around the head.
That said for the application it looked fine, on the screen shot she sent me.
The class went ahead late this week and was a success with plenty attending. When I spoke to her yesterday she was busing designing another poster for the next class using the same image.
the top one is best, the other two look ever so slightly saucy to me somehow
Thanks I can see where your coming from.
I actually prefer these to the earlier set you took. I like all three, right choice for poster is no.1 but number 3 looks sensual.
Thanks Peter
Who is the promotion/advert aimed at?

Is it aimed at women who want to look like that, or is it aimed at men who want their woman to look like that?

I imagine it would probably be aimed at women, as a man showing his woman the advert and telling her she needs/should to look like that would probably not get a very polite response.

Therefore I think women's opinion would probably be more valuable, and maybe her friends could give opinions.

Although I don't really like the look, I would say the first one cropped at the waist, leaving out the top half of the picture, that way it would look more like a promotion of the topic, and less like the promotion of a body.
And would look more balanced once text/logo etc has been added.

If she wants her face on the advert, then a smaller separate image places in a top corner would look better.
Hi Steve
Yes aimed at women. Great idea regarding the crop. I would not have thought of that. I think she wanted herself on the poster as she were not keen on the idea of having a stock image on there like some use.
I'd chose #3, lack of eye contact, more innocent.
Thanks Dave.
lighting and focus seems spot on
personal opinions:
- 1 seems better - eye contact - but right eye partially closed...
- 3 missing the smile - as dood posted, no eye contact is more innocent

but main feedback would be from Katie, which she likes.. and if not liking, can reshoot :)

all the best for you and her in the future
Hi there.
Thanks for the feedback. Your thoughts are appreciated.
I think the first is the best of the bunch in terms of the pose, but feel the facial expressions in all of them are a little too saucy. The usual thing for gym/class posters are either a serious/focused/mid workout look, or a big ol' smile so as not to scare off the 40 year olds.

You've lit her wonderfully to really show off her figure, but again it feels a little too saucy and doesn't really feel "active". Looking at this I'd be expecting a candlelit yoga session. More reflection from the right or just lifting he shadows would probably help, at least around her face and upper body if you really don't want to change the lower body.
Both 1 and 3 show a little bit of her finger between her legs which I would probably clone out. It might just be rim light in the first, but either way it's a little distracting and I'd tone it down. As others have said separating her hair from the background looks like it will be hard work.

That all sounds very negative, but you asked for critique not compliments! ;) Overall I think they look great, it's just when someone asks for critique I tend to get nitpicky, especially when they've already done a good job. Personally I'd be happy with them both as a photographer and as a client.
Hi Jamie.

First off I did ask for critique and you have provided some which is great and just what I needed.

I do see the saucy mood. Katie seems to fall into that look quite easily. I'm not a photographer and have little experiance in people photography plus Katie is not a model so we just sort of muddle through. This is not an excuse but more to lyk what sort of experiance I have.

Great to know I lit her well. I usually use 1 light. Whch I did at first but these where very flat lit and did not show off her curves very well. Which was good for me to see the differance another light can make.
Yep forgot about that finger showing.

I thank you for the detailed reply and take the points on board, positives too.

Thanks to everyone for contributing.

They're really tidy, very nicely done. I'll assume she knows her market better than me so won't comment on her choice of image ;)

I'd do some skin work on the face, especially for a large poster.
I'm not totally sold on the crop at mid calf - maybe it'd be nice to include some trainers to add to the fitness story?
Similarly, if you'd done this in a gym then it would look more a fitness instructor's publicity and less like a glamour shot. Adding props can be fraught with problems but perhaps worth a try?
They're really tidy, very nicely done. I'll assume she knows her market better than me so won't comment on her choice of image ;)

I'd do some skin work on the face, especially for a large poster.
I'm not totally sold on the crop at mid calf - maybe it'd be nice to include some trainers to add to the fitness story?
Similarly, if you'd done this in a gym then it would look more a fitness instructor's publicity and less like a glamour shot. Adding props can be fraught with problems but perhaps worth a try?
Hi Simon.

Thanks for taking the time to give some critique it's very much welcomed.

The poster, as it turns out was not what we would call a poster it was more an A4 flyer. I can see what you mean regarding the skin retouch. Unfortunately Katie does suffer from a poor complexion at times. She is a wizard with makeup but lighting her this way revealed everything. I had done quite a bit of retouching but didn't want to give her a dolls face. She likes the images to be pretty natural in keeping with what she is about. (Not sure I worded that correctly)

Yes I agree dumbbells would have helped to push the fitness feel.

Things to try in the future maybe.

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