Keep running away! Kitten's 52 for 2010 = An Explanation

Loving the "street" photo my type of photo, uncomplicated that tells a story.(y)
Chopped... it fits the theme, and is a nicely taken SP... I can understand the not liking the idea (although, despite stating at the outset last year there weren't going to be any of me .... that didn't work out ...) The DOF is excellent, and love the graininess.

Street... really like the darker feel of dusk here. Well taken, and the curve works nicely. Good timing on the snowball being made too.
Thanks for all the feedback!!

Oh God! Where does the time go? I have these pics ready, just need to process them. Will be up to date by the end of the week I PROMISE!

For now, here's SPEED

Gotta be fast or you'll lose a finger ;)

Wicked detail in your kitteh !

Really like the hint of tooth and claw :D
Almost passed this one by.
Glad to see that you're still hanging in there and starting to catch up (y)

Chopped : Not quite convinced that it fits the theme very well (haircut or not!) :LOL:
Well done on submitting a selfie though and there's some very good eye contact there.

Street : I like it. Good line leading you into the shot and some nice splashes of colour in amongst the snow. It really is a very pretty image.

Speed : :razz: Another tenuous link to the theme :LOL:
Beautiful cat and fantastic detail in his coat and claws.
I'm unsure about the background. Normally I'd say that I'd prefer something a bit cleaner, but I actually quite like the natural home setting that you can see in this.
Almost passed this one by.
Glad to see that you're still hanging in there and starting to catch up (y)

Yeah, been a lot going on - some not good things, but yes, am still hanging in. If I managed a 365 last year, I'll damn well manage 2 52's!

Chopped : Not quite convinced that it fits the theme very well (haircut or not!) :LOL:
Well done on submitting a selfie though and there's some very good eye contact there.

Thanks :)

Street : I like it. Good line leading you into the shot and some nice splashes of colour in amongst the snow. It really is a very pretty image.

Speed : :razz: Another tenuous link to the theme :LOL:
Beautiful cat and fantastic detail in his coat and claws.
I'm unsure about the background. Normally I'd say that I'd prefer something a bit cleaner, but I actually quite like the natural home setting that you can see in this.

Mr George said THanks :D You'd not say it was tenuous if you'd had your finger ripped in half by him like I have! :shocked: Thanks though. :)

I'm never sure about it when people say that they aren't sure if it fits the theme, or it's tenuous. To be honest, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, it's how I interpret it that matters. To me, anyway. Not being funny or anything, but y'know, my project, my interpretations, my rules. Appreciate the comments though, just got to keep the shots coming now! :)
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Well said Kitten... It is your project...

As for the shot... I like it... Been there had the fingers torn... I know you have to be quick with them... I think you've got oodles of fine detail in the coat and features of your cat, can't be easy being that colour... I think the home setting really works well here.
OK, time for an update. So sorry I've not updated this in ages but in early May my beloved Nana, who I lived with until I was around 11 became very ill after controlled breast cancer spread and within a week she passed away. I didn't touch my camera for a good few weeks (she gave money to put towards buying it) and I more or less loss interest in pretty much everything.

More recently, my OH's Grandparent's have both suffered with ill-health and he lost his Grandfather last week, and his Grandma is going into hospital for an operation to remove a tumour next week.

We've also both had Uncles (one on this side of the pond, one on the other) diagnosed with, & treated for, prostate cancer so all in all, it's been a dreadful year. Hopefully it's all uphill from here.

Anyway about a month ago I picked up the camera again and have done a few shoots. Bought a few lenses this week so I'm off to do a baby shoot this morning and hopefully I'll be right back into it again.

I'm not sure whether I might just pick up this 52 where it is now and carry on with a chunk missing and get back into it that way, or whether I'll just post some random picture threads instead. I'm not sure if I want the pressure but I'm not sure I'll do it if I don't. Make sense? I did want to let you guys know what was going on because obviously some of you I have on FB & twitter (@kittencaboodle if you want to add me), but others will think I have just disappeared and you were all so supportive of the 365 and the 52, as well as other stuff I've done since I started taking pictures. I'm just sorry it took me so long to update, I just wasn't ready.

My Nan was a huge part of my life and I miss her tremendously. It's been (and still is) incredible hard to get to grips with. I think This is the last 'proper' picture I took of her and I think she looks really happy (and pretty good for 93 ;))


Thanks for reading & sorry for deserting you! Hope to be around a bit more now :)
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