Kirk and Spock.

Ian D J

Michael Fish
Ian D J
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My sister got hold of this two "glow in the dark" Star Trek cut-out figures at a boot fair as she knows I'm a bit of a Trekker.
Anyway, I thought I'll use them for today's entry in my little '365.

The first shot below is the plain vanilla shot, taken in a darkened room with the glow-in-the dark figures stuck on a large sheet of black paper. It is a 30 second exposure with ISO set at 800. No enhancements or alterations were carried out, apart from a small crop and resize.
Here's No 1:


Then I thought "Mmm, wonder what can I do with it?" And so I decided to have a play about with the image using my trusty Paint Shop Pro 8 software (easy to use for a novice like me!)
And so here's No 2, all blue - with added glow! (used the "soften" slider and balanced out the brightness on spock ever so slightly).


Then I changed the colour to one of them. After all, Kirk wore the yellow jersey and Spock wore the sciences section blue.
No 3:


And on the last one, I went the whole hog and made it more colourful - and cranked up the contrast to give it that extra glow.
No 4:

Thought I'd give this a cheeky bump. :naughty: I personally thought it was a nice little experimental effort but looks like there aren't that many trekkers in here, or perhaps the pictures themselves didn't have that much of an impact.
Still, no comments is good comments! At least no-one posted to say it was bad! :D :D :D
classic Ian just seen these defiantly comedy value :) well processed (y)

PS can you send them along to help deal with the alien invasion in my living room
classic Ian just seen these defiantly comedy value :) well processed (y)

PS can you send them along to help deal with the alien invasion in my living room

:D I'm sure a good phaser blast will sort out whatever's invading your living room.
I had actually forgotten I produced this thread but what with it tipping outside meant that I'm just sitting indoors surfing around on the net, and that's where I came back to this and I thought: "Oh!". :eek: :cautious:
Love these shots. the first caught my eye but i have to go for the extra colour and glow of the last.
regards Matthew
They're very unusual Ian, and odd find, and interesting experiment. I quite like them, and think the last one probably fits the original series feel well (y)
Ta for making the effort to take a peek and leave comments, Matthew, Lee and John. Glad to see that I hadn't made a boob with this one.
It does prove how threads do very easily slip out of the radar in a busy forum such as this one. :) It's like I really want to look and leave comments in every new thread that does come up but it's really hard to keep up with things! :)
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agree 100%

i rarely venture out of general image sharing, landscapes, equipment, or the main talk forums - just because of the sheer volume of traffic on here.