Lake District Yesterday - Please give your opinions.

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Hi Guys,
Went back up to the lake district yesterday with plenty of time and nobody to bother me and did my best in the pretty poor weather.
Would appreciate any critique and advice you can offer on the following images.


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They're all good considering the effort required to get them. Shows the value of getting out in all weathers. Well done.
like them all, I seem to have a thing for trees at the moment love number 1
I like #1 and #3 best though I wonder what the third would look like from a slightly lower position though it looks like the sky might have been solid fray from the top of the frame upwards which is probably why you framed it like that.
I like 1 not so sure about 2, i would have no sky and more reflection, i like 3 and 4 and 5is to central for me
Decent set Stu

My comments would be, a square crop for no1 and re no3 if you're going to use a foreground object of interest have it close enough to you for the viewer to see it clearly and get the full effect of its shape and texture. I also think that no3 would benefit from some D&B especially the wooden posts
Thanks guys, reviewing my images last night I came up with a different set of compositions of the above images.
See what you think.

Nice set, WB is mega off on #2 - with the correct WB, think it could be the pick of the set
I've been back and forth on all these and I much prefer you second edit on the silver birch. I like the first one but like your second edit even better. The log on the jetty ? Well, in the original I found it a distraction then I looked at the two in your second edit and close up it's very good,much better to my eye and better than the next one of there jetty where the log isn't in the frame-I assume you moved it. Not sure about the last one, I can 't make my mind up it on it.. Having no-one to bother you is
Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback, I will use it to try and improve.
My Lee filters have arrived so I am eager to get out and try some more. :)

Ref the Log - Yes, I found it in the woods nearby and used it as a prop.
Nice set, hard to chose my favorite, its prob between #4 and the modified #3.
Not so keen on #1