Landscape filter advice

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Hello there,

I'm travelling to the States on Monday (25th). I'm off to Vegas, the Canyon, a could of national parks as well as LA and San Francisco. I really plan on taking a lot of landscape shots, particularly at sunrise/sunset. When I've tried this previously I've always had trouble getting the exposure of the sky right (or rather the balance between correctly lighting the sky and the foreground at the same time).

From what I've read, it seems I need an ND filter. I've looked around and it's seems like Coikin and Kood both supply them (Kood being the cheaper).

Can anyone recommend a particular filter to get (Is it definitely an ND filter I need for landscape sunrise/set shots), and where to get one from (somewhere that I can either collect or provides an express delivery service!).

Many thanks!
From what I've read, it seems I need an ND filter. I've looked around and it's seems like Coikin and Kood both supply them (Kood being the cheaper).

No... you need GND's... GRADUATED neutral density filters. If you want cheap then I don't know, but if you want something middle of the pack then the Lee holder is the dogs nads, and Hitech 100mm filters work nicely for me.

Budget a few hundred quid plus to get yourself kitted out.
I would get a polariser too. Not so much for sunrise/sunset shots, but could be useful when you have more daylight.

Ah ok, thanks for the info!

Any recommended suppliers?

The lenses I've got are the Nikon 18-200mm OS, 50mm Sigma Macro, and the 10-20mm Sigma.

With the Lee holder, will I need a different adaptor for each lens?

Any recommended suppliers?
Oh and changing the topic slightly - how do people travel with their camera? I've got a slingshot AW200 bag that will fit everything I need for the trip in, but do people tend to keep their cameras in their cases or take them on as hand luggage? Also, based on experience, is it possible to sign in tripods as extra luggage (like you can with childrens buggies) because there's no way mine would fit in my case!

(I've never flown with my camera kit before)