Laowa 100mm

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If thshould be in the equipment forum please redirect but i Thought this might be the best place to ask.

Has anyone got or used this or any other Laowa Macro lenses?

If so what has been your experience with it .

Im considering that 100mm Laowa or the Tamron 90 macro latest.

Read a lot of reviews on both and although perhaps the Tamron with AF and VC would be easier to use for say some portrait or

general purpose stuff I think the Laowa would be an interesting lens if mainly for Macro and having access to the 2x .

Any thoughts etc are very welcome.
@Paul Iddon should be able to answer any questions you have.
( he's an ambassador for Laowa )
I have the 25mm 2-5x and the new-ish 90mm 2x (both RF mount). They are both very sharp and the CA is well controlled. They are great lenses as long as you are happy with manual focus (which in most cases you will anyway at those magnifications). If you have focus peeking then this helps a lot. The 90mm makes for a good portrait lens as it focuses to infinity.
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the manual focus is so hard at 2,5x even harder a 5x I think I will have to focus peeking as struggling sometimes with the 25mm
the manual focus is so hard at 2,5x even harder a 5x I think I will have to focus peeking as struggling sometimes with the 25mm
I had the Canon mp-e 65mm for years, so I’m pretty used to it. IBIS helps if you have it and focus peeking helps even more. Try not shooting at 5x until you are used to it. Try 2-3x. Modelling lights (if your flash has them) also help at these magnifications. Also try shooting a burst of shots as you ‘lean in’ to focus. You should hit one of them in focus.
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LAOWA lenses are excellent optically, especially considering their price.

I have used three 60mm lenses and the 15mm wide angle macro lens - and they are brilliant and if you can use a full manual focus lens, then bite the bullet.

Once mastered, you'll love it forever. I'm hoping to get the 100mm sometime too.

You can get them direct and fast from LOAWA themselves - the price will likely show in dollars, but the checkout will charge you in £'s.
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LAOWA lenses are excellent optically, especially considering their price.

I have used three 60mm lenses and the 15mm wide angle macro lens - and they are brilliant and if you can use a full manual focus lens, then bite the bullet.

Once mastered, you'll love it forever. I'm hoping to get the 100mm sometime too.

You can get them direct and fast from LOAWA themselves - the price will likely show in dollars, but the checkout will charge you in £'s.
Thanks Paul, I’m about 70-30 in favour of Laowa v Tamron at the moment,your post helped