Large Civil War Re-enactment, Newstead Abbey

Sue was right, it was a great view and it looked like a big battlefield until it filled with people, then filled some more - it was massive and a great day out for all, funnily enough I was worried about my girl and noise, no need she slept (yes slept :eek:) through half of it - canon, the lot!

Really great to meet you Sue - hope it goes as well tomorrow :)
Okaaaay, it may take a little while to sort the pics - there were 374 or them!

No doubt ditch 50% pretty quickly though - bad focus, naff shot and so on.
Sorry I missed you, Faddius. Great to meet you and your family, Jihn. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves and got sime good shots. I am standing down tomorrow, so hope to get some of my own then.
Just seen yor reply after I posted, John. Can't belive your lass slept through it - those cannon were loud! Don't forget to tone down my fluorescent face ! ;-)
Will do :)

Likewise, and great news on being able to get some shots in, if you can get past the first blue line you should get some crackers
Here are a few I've quickly pushed through PS including a couple of you Sue, unless I'm mistaken, I'll do the rest when I feel a bit more perky. Great day out as always. (y)




Great shots, better than I managed and yep you got Sue :)
I dumped a few shots into a thread I started here so feel free to add more to the thread, especially as these sorts of photos don't crop up on this forum very often.

There's even more on my flickr, and more yet still on my hard drive :)

Oh and I've got a good handful with you in them Sue if you're interested (y)
Brilliant, thank you! I have just got back home - someone dropped out so I ended up riding today as well (although not for the whole battle as it was so bloomin' hot I got a bit overcome! I did get some shots in the morning, however, and will put them up tomorrow (I SO need a bath now!). It was great to meet you, John, and sorry missed you, Faddius.
I'm a bit behind on the pics but will get a load up in the next few days :)
I did enjoy it Sue, certainly the most intense I've been to :)

I'm glad you liked the series, I've just started the PP on yesterdays, I'll post a couple here and the full set will be added to that gallery when complete.

Does the Sealed Knot site welcome visitor images? I noticed there were one or two "official togs" there yesterday

Sealed Knot-3710 by ashworthme, on Flickr

Sealed Knot-3719 by ashworthme, on Flickr

Looking at Faddius post above, looks like I got you? :)
Ooh I like your processing Colin, could I ask how you process them?
You can Alex, its a blend of about 5 filters in Nik color efex, I know theres a dark contrasts one, a vignette and a vintage film, but I cant remember exactly which, then I just tweak individual settings within the filters to suit the photograph.

Lets me maintain a continuity between the various events and adds cohesion to the series (I think :) )
Interesting, I think I'll explore the filters available to me in PS, failing that I'm pretty sure I have a copy of the software you're using somewhere.
Blimey, you really got our "war faces" on that first one - even I look quite scary! By definition, anyone who re-enacts loves to see photos of themselves, so all photos are very welcome. We have a private board that I can post links on if anyone wants to share their photos with members (which would be very much appreciated). I may also ask if I can scrounge one or two cavalry photos for our regimental website / FB page if we credit you. Normally I get ignored by photographers, but there seem to be photos everywhere this time - even on the Nottingham Post website :-D
Here's my paltry efforts. There was some filming Monday morning which meant I could photograph Tony and Shaun on Kodak as they posed for the camera, but otherwise I was too busy riding to get the camera out :crying: (And :) as at least I did lots of riding!).



great portraits there Sue

you're very welcome to use any of this series on your regimental page or FB, I'll drop a note onto here when they are in my gallery, any you would like to use just email me and I'll send them over.

A link on your board would be cool too :)
Thanks :)

That's great Flook, very many thanks indeed. No problem at all putting a link to your site on the board - it is how photos are normally posted on there.
Good one - that chap's expression definitely makes it. I got caught in the middle of a push by accident once - never again! Pikemen are nutters!
Sorry, a bit of a rush post process going on - really knackered of late for some reason :(

Anyway heres a few as I said I'd post some and I can see me not for ages!

BTW Sue, you pull some great faces :D

Brilliant, John! I think you got my "war-face" in that fourth one, and I love Dillon (the horse) in the first. My friend, Jennie, would love the one of her with the owl on Tilly, I know :) Sorry i didn't get back to see your little ones with my sword - time rather ran away with me!
...and a couple more...

I think that will do for now though.. still it topped up my Flickr re-enactment group I set up a while back :)
Brilliant, John! I think you got my "war-face" in that fourth one, and I love Dillon (the horse) in the first. My friend, Jennie, would love the one of her with the owl on Tilly, I know :) Sorry i didn't get back to see your little ones with my sword - time rather ran away with me!

No worries, no doubt I'll see you in a year or two anyway :)

I've a few of Jennie - lol, like most of the people there, with the full setup of owl, horse and uniform she'd barely of got more on lookers if she'd stripped naked and ran round crying "don't look at me!" :LOL:
BTW Sue, you pull some great faces :D


As does Dillon. This is one of my favourite faces pulled by Dillon -


I especially like the one of Jennie with the owl, I'm kicking myself now for not spurring myself on and getting myself there well ahead of the battle like I planned to :bang:
John, I will tell Jennie that, it will give her a good giggle!

It is a good job one of us has our eyes open in that photo of Dillon!