Large Format photography group - From "zero to hero!"

Good lordy. The SH617 is nearly £700 on ffordes! That's that plan in the bin then!

Get a job and earn some moolah, simples. Bloody stoodents. 
Haha :D I'm trying I'm trying!

The above being said, I'd probably sooner spend money adding to my sheet film stock than anything kit wise unless it's a lighter (weight) lens plan (gas).
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Thanks for the link chap, but still only works out about £100 cheaper after import, forward delivery and VAT (assuming 20% import, £15 forward delivery and then VAT on it all - which really grinds my gears...)

Probably go 612 eventually instead unless a lottery win comes my way!

...Probably should start playing tbh :/
I didn't search the site but i believe DAYI do a 6x12 which presumably cheaper than the 6x17. Interchangeable "screens" allowance for other formats from the same back ...6x9 etc although tbh i doubt i cud be pestered shooting less than 6x12 on 5x4 kit.....easier to pick up the RZ or a folder!
I'm starting to think the modified darkslide is the way to go for pano.

Ordered a perspex ground glass for the arca, figured it'll be safer if I work out how to get the LF gear into a pannier.
I processed another 8 negatives last weekend and, it seems, these are the best I can come up with. Fomapan 100 and the last, almost, of the Aculux 3.

by PeterSpencer on Talk Photography

by PeterSpencer on Talk Photography

I should take notes, but I perhaps remember that the first was taken with a Wray process lens and the second with a Beck Symmetrical. The exposure of the second was quite long so the subject didn't stay still. It is me as I set the shot up and asked my brother-in-law to press the shutter. The camera and tripod are perfectly focussed.
... (assuming 20% import, £15 forward delivery and then VAT on it all - which really grinds my gears...) ...

It's not quite that bad, import duty on photographic camera accessories is 3.70% and then standard rate VAT applies (20% currently). The "service" charge varies from about £8 to £15 depending on who the carrier is and how much they want to take the p***.
Works for me! Text says:
Adapter Plaubel to Sinar / Horseman
Two differents adapters to 8x10 and 4x5/5x7 plaubel cameras, to take sinar lens

(I put in a link to Andres' original post, two above...)
I also get a 404.
Then as I don't have a flickr account, I'm left out :crying:
404 for me too.

Update, I've just logged on and it now works for me.
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Well this link certainly separates the zeroes from the heroes! I shall retire to the South Downs and take up d̶i̶g̶i̶t̶a̶l̶ bee keeping.:D
We are just sitting in the car eating lunch and waiting for a shower to pass through and I was thinking that one of the first places I would like to bring my yet to be bought Lf camera is here, the Isle of Arran. What a stunning place. Right the Sun is out again so off up to Glenashadale Falls. Have fun everyone.
Hi, sorry but I don't known the problem with flickr but it seem to be a flickr/web problem...I anybody know the solution, please...tell me...thanks and regards.
And for me also....:)
I'm 5x4, with a Wista, Canham DLC and Walker Titan SF.

There's at least one 10x8 user though.
I have a rat rodded Busch 4by5 which I have yet to run any film through!
Abbandon does 10x8 I think, although haven't seen him in here for a while. I shoot 10x8 with the Chamonix and 5x4 with the Shen Hao. I was looking at a reducing back for the 10x8 to shoot 5x4 but the Shen Hao is such a nice camera to shoot with and much less conspicuous than the 10x8.

I've been itching for a new lens for the 10x8 but with all the rain in Scotland it's been on hold.
Opinions needed, I've found a nice looking polycarbonate ground glass on ebay for about the same price as the Yanke one; I don't know how well it will perform of course.

An alternative is another yanke which I did quite like and cutting a large piece of perspex and Velcroing it over the gg holder when the camera is not in use.

I got the poly glass and it is much lighter and brighter than the old one. Unfortunately I measured it 5mm too long. FFS. I really can't catch a break, my own stupidity I readily admit but now I need to try trim 2mm from each edge with out screwing up the screen.

Le sigh.
MPP MkVII 5x4 Field Camera
I've been looking at these recently, I rather like the look of them, seem to fold down nicely and have a reasonable range of movements for a reasonable price.
Anyone used one, got any thoughts about them?

looking at the descriptions of these on ebay, they dont seem to mention a tilt, just shift and swing. There doesnt seem to be an obvious pivot point either. So if thats the case then i wouldnt bother. You need the tilt to get the front to back focus right.
looking at the descriptions of these on ebay, they dont seem to mention a tilt, just shift and swing. There doesnt seem to be an obvious pivot point either. So if thats the case then i wouldnt bother. You need the tilt to get the front to back focus right.

Mmm, you make a good point,. I'll give it some more thought.