Learn Together Meet - Ingleton Waterfalls

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I don't really like to be the first to post. But as I've sorted a few out I'll get the ball rolling.

Didn't come away with a great deal to be hones. Although the falls were impressive with the amount of water in them. The amount of water coming out of the sky hampered things quite a bit for me. Didn't get a single decent shot of Thornton Force. They all look like they were taken through fog!!





Considering the weather was to say a little err wet, I’m quite surprised I have any pics to post :LOL:. Only took 40 odd pics all day so didn’t take me long to go through them.






I took four shots, all of this scene and all identical.
Ok after seeing the other shots and in here so far and making me feel a bit more inspired, thanks to Richard for posting a bit of detail to what he'd done, I've reworked one of the shots.

Does this one look a bit better?


Paul, I'm loving shot no. 2 and I have to say that is the best money tree shot I've ever seen. It almost looks like a type of bark rather than money.
Thanks for everyone for arranging another fun day out. Shame about the weather which did give me a little bit of a "sense of humour failure" part way round, but at least the 'falls were nice and full.

Anyway, here's a quick selection of some of my shots from the day (the ones that weren't plagued by terrible camera shake - I really should use my tripod more!) - no editing yet, I'll have a play with them later.

1 - money tree


2 - thornton force


3 - pecca falls (I think)


4 - water and rocks

Here's a few of my shots not in the same category as Pauls

1. The start of the walk



Considering the weather was to say a little err wet, I’m quite surprised I have any pics to post :LOL:. Only took 40 odd pics all day so didn’t take me long to go through them.


I really like this one. Love the low angle shot at.

Have you got the exif data?

There is a lot of water going over those falls, i was in the Yorkshire Dales from 11th - 15th July and 3 waterfalls i visited were almost completely dry apart from a tiny trickle of water. I didn't bother driving all the way upto Ingleton because it was quite a distance from where i was staying and i didn't want to find another dry waterfall, wish i had gone now.
All great shots above! here's a few of my efforts which I'm quite pleased with. no 4 has rain drops on it unfortunatley, but I feel I've learnt something about long exposure which was the point for me. Such a great day:)
Hope the links work, haven't done it this way before.

Mick, what editing have you done to your photos mate?

Reason I ask is that they look very washed out and lack contrast, something I have never encountered with my D300.
Mick, what editing have you done to your photos mate?

Reason I ask is that they look very washed out and lack contrast, something I have never encountered with my D300.

Very little done to them in Photoshop. Just levels and high pass sharpening with a little contrast/brightness adjustment.

I'm curious as they look reasonble on my Mac monitor.

Well done everyone, these photos are fantastic. I'm sorry I haven't posted some of mine yet, will go and have a look now.


D :)
Thanks :)
I can give you the full exif tonight as the pics on my home PC. But it was taken with a Canon 50D + Sigma 10-20mm + 3 stop ND. F11. 3 clicks at +/- 2 stops and HDR’d.

Nice one. I must look to get some filters as my skys were very over exposed.
But is it calibrated? Recently? :)

I must admit that it has never been calibrated other than by spectrum of white, greys through to blacks.


Edit: What do they look like on your monitor John?
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A couple of them do look a bit washed out to me, I think it might be due to the rain & spray from the falls hanging in the air.
A couple of them do look a bit washed out to me, I think it might be due to the rain & spray from the falls hanging in the air.

The one of Thornton Force did have A lot of spray and rain and now you mention it I did play a little with this image to try and get rid of the spray but can't for the life of me remember exactly what I did. Doh!!:bonk:

Okie dokie,

I have now sifted through over 200 photos and whittled it down to these to post here.

I'm not totally impressed with them, but then considering the weather we had to once again contend with I'm lucky I got any :LOL:

Part 1:







Part 2 .......
Part 2....

The next lot .....




10. Paul (Pork) ... setting up for the perfect shot :nuts:

11. Jo (Bidden) ... happy with her success (of folding the legs on her tripod) :LOL:

12. John (CGeezer) on the final leg :D

I know these are a bit later than I would have liked to post, but was not feeling too inspirational of late. So I hope you appreciate the little bit of banter I added to 10, 11, 12 :p

I am now going to view this thread again and take a good look at all the lovely photos that have been posted.

Thanks again for a brilliant day, and to John (CGeezer) for organising it.


Dawn :)
With it raining so hard and wanting to do some really really long exposures, I ended up having my camera in my bag after the first 5 minutes, so didn't really get any decent shots.

Did get this one of Richard at the cafe later on though. :)

Shot with the Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 M42 lens (1/250th, ISO400, set at f/4 I believe).
With it raining so hard and wanting to do some really really long exposures, I ended up having my camera in my bag after the first 5 minutes, so didn't really get any decent shots.

Did get this one of Richard at the cafe later on though. :)

Shot with the Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 M42 lens (1/250th, ISO400, set at f/4 I believe).

Wow John, that is a great photo (y). I wonder what Richard was thinking :thinking: ....... :D
I wonder what Richard was thinking :thinking: ....... :D

I think he was wondering if he should get one of those burgers Andrea had. ;)
I think he was wondering if he should get one of those burgers Andrea had. ;)

I was also thinking it must have something to do with food :) after all it couldn't be thinking whether the sun was ever going to shine :D
... I wonder what Richard was thinking :thinking: ....... :D
Thinking! You flatter me (y)

I think he was wondering if he should get one of those burgers Andrea had. ;)
Probably not far off the truth. :D

On a more serious note, I hadn't realised how much the thing on my face had grown, I think a trip to the docs is in order to get it checked out.
Taken my time but have had some other things to deal with. Hope you like these, I sort of kept clicking away even through the rain and took over 250 photo's :LOL: Here's a few of my picks and I hope I am not overdoing it with so many photo's If so just say and I will totally ignore you anyway :LOL:

First some people

John communicating that he would like one coffee!

Sneaky shot of Dawn on the road home.

Andrea caught bang to rights enjoying the atmosphere on the day :)

Mick with his portable smoke machine getting the misty shot.

Well earned Coffee break. Is this man a photographer or not :exit:

Andrea grabbing some foodage after burning several hundred calories
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The Money Tree. Next time remind me to take my pliers :LOL:

Made me glad that I made the effort to go round. It was hard work at time but shots like this will stay with me :)

Here's the gang and I was busted by Paul (PORK) ;)

Another waterfall, I was in my ellement as I don't think I had even seen a real one up till that day!

OMG is that Indiana in the undergrowth :LOL:

Paul (PORK) making the effort to get the shot!! He does always make that little bit extra effort and his results show it too (y) Also gives a good idea of the scale.
First some people

:LOL: great pics (except the one of me ...... you could have taken one when I was dry and a bit more presentable, all my lippy has washed off) :p How come all you the guys look so dry yet Andrea and I look drenched ..... do us women attract more rain than you blokes? :thinking:

Great captions with the photos CGeezer, well thought out.

D :)
Raging Waters!

The Force was strong in this one :LOL:

TP'ers wanted water in the falls ... I think I delivered with interest :LOL:

Water Water everywhere and 95p for a cup of coffee :bat: £2.50 for a bacon roll :annoyed: Still it was the best cuppa i had that week. Thanks Dawn (y)

No smokey waters in my fall shots. Where was my expert help??

I didn't regret filling my memory card. Great walk *cough* great company as usual :)
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One of Dawn taking in the moment with the breathtaking power of the water cascading down the gorge.

And last one. Who needs a misty filter when your lens is creaking from the water. My t-shirt run out of dry patches to clean the lens and this was the result :)

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Last one. Who needs a misty filter when your lens is creaking from the water. My t-shirt run out of dry patches to clean the lens and this was the result :)

Talk about using your initiative :LOL: That is my fav and takes the cake ;)
Here you go, a couple more quickies out of the 17 total images I shot that day. :)

Both also shot with the Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 M42 lens.

The money tree

And one of Andrea looking very pleased with the weather :D