Lego "War of the worlds" Power of Paint Weds 22nd Aug

That's Batman, Pete? More like "Jaffa minute, we took a wrong turning!"
Marcel sighed "c'mon Yv you were navigating, I'll forgive you this time but best not make a hobbit of it " :coat:
The Mods returned to the vehicles and re-traced their steps, along the way they took a wrong turning and found themselves in a large storage area;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

There were several large shapes covered with dust sheets, so the Mods walked along the line to the smallest;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

" Right people, let's see what's under these covers?" said Marcel. "One, Two, Three- Heave!!" Said Marc;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

What will the Mods find under the covers? Join us soon to find out!
maybe Yv will find a magic ring which makes her invisible :LOL:
:D Your T cup stuff is sooo good, its all in the composition...I think btw. :p
I think Rob's thread here has the edge, though.
The cupography thread comprises one, or two shot scenarios, so no one is overly bothered when (or even if) another one gets posted.
Everybody here is impatiently waiting for Rob's next post, and they'll be :crying: when it finishes.
I think Rob's thread here has the edge, though.
The cupography thread comprises one, or two shot scenarios, so no one is overly bothered when (or even if) another one gets posted.
Everybody here is impatiently waiting for Rob's next post, and they'll be :crying: when it finishes.

That's very kind of you to say so Tori, but your cupathon is more creative (IMHO) due to the limitations of the shape and your excellent use of composition and ideas.:clap:
The covers were removed from the first shape, to reveal a flying fighter, which Yvonne jumped into straight away;

RPW_121 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The second showed a Tank which was adopted by Marc and Dark Star;

RPW_122 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The Third shape revealed an attack helicopter which Marcel knew how to fly;

RPW_123 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Once the fourth shape had been uncovered, it was discovered that the Mods had a fully functional Command base, which incorporated weapons, guidance systems, a launch pad and numerous systems to help them defeat the Aliens;

RPW_124 by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

But what lay behind the largest dust-sheet shrouded shape???????????
Ooooh, it's getting exciting!

They are very lucky to have found such impressive toys, and even luckier that they know how to operate them. This is classic Hollywood plot!

Great work, enjoying it tremendously.(y)
Hi Rob
Just back from having a few avatars and immensely pleased to see that the story continues to grip.

No idea what is under the largest dust sheet - usually a sofa in my case :D - but waiting with baited breath to find out

Hope the Avatars went down well Alan. No, not a sofa.:shrug:

it'd better not be Me in a "Millenium Falcon" :bat:

:LOL: Not a Star Wars character in sight Mark(y)
Its clearly going to be a giant jaffa cake :LOL:

or a giant pink snake - or both :nuts:
No where near Pete, its big and it's Yellow?
The Mods looked up in awe at the sight that met their eyes;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

A monumental mountain of magnificent majestic machinery met the mute manic Mods (Try saying that after a couple of Avatars Alan.)

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

The Mods had found a beast of a machine, with which to attack the Aliens.

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

With Yvonne at the controls and the boys in the bucket they set off to prod buttock with their boots;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
I'm suprised her feet reach the controls :LOL: :coat:
Oh dear Pete you will be sorry when she catches up with you.:rules:

yep my lower legs could be in serious danger - :exit:
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The Mods decided that the command post vehicle needed checking out thoroughly, so Marcel checked the rocket launchers;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Marc and Dark Star checked vehicle driveability and road-worthiness;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Yvonne checked on-board computer systems and guidance systems;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Then it was time to check the jet fighter systems;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

As well as checking the kettle;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
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Marcel had been checking recent activity on TP via his laptop, when he found that others were online and possibly nearby;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

"Gentlemen, I think I may have found other survivors, possibly near-by!!"

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

He located Yvonne in the Radar control post and told her the news. Yvonne tried the Radar controls, but no luck. She informed Marcel " We need to repair the Radar dish ASAP, it's our only hope!"

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Marc and Dark Star arrived with equipment. Marc pulled out a screwdriver and informed the others that he had got this off a Doctor friend of his. "Who?" said Dark Star. "Yes" repied Marc. " "What? came the reply. "No, Who, not Watt!" said Marc "Why?" replied Dark Star. " Twit" came Marcs response. "Twit to Who" said Dark Star Owlishly. "Get the Bloody Radar fixed you two twits to who" said Marcel.

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr

Once the repairs were completed ,and the signal set up, all they could do was to sit back and hope;

by Rob Palmer-Wilson, on Flickr
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Cheers Loopy(y), I'm pleased with these, well the banter between Marc and Dark Star at least.:shrug:
This episode tickles me. :)
The world is being destroyed by alien invaders, and TPers are online (uploading their photos of it...)

I notice it's only the two without a drink who don't look happy. :p
Cheers Tori, I think if the world came to an end, TP'er's would photograph it and post the results up for all to see. You can't beat a hot brew, followed by a dunking of a Jaffa cake in Tea/Coffee.
By the way, the title of todays title "If you call them, they will come" is taken from which movie?
Damn it Marc, you're spot on, need to correct ASAP!