Leona Lewis


TPer Emeritus
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I have mixed feelings about programmes like The X Factor -sure it produces talented winners who can make it with the likes of Simon Cowdell et al pulling all the right strings and opening doors for them - keeping them up there, but I do think in this girl they've found a tremendous real class talent. Incredible to think she just walked in off the street with that great voice and incredible range!

I think she has what it takes to become a real international Diva - I just hope she gets the right songs written for her to exploit her voice and her great interpretation of the lyrics.
I just hope she gets the right songs written for her to exploit her voice and her great interpretation of the lyrics.

I think that's the major point CT. Whilst I agree that she has the most amazing voice and incredible talent, nothing she's released as yet does anything for me at all :shake:. I can still remember her rendition of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" on the X Fuctor. IMHO she actually performed it better that Whitney herself - and that's saying something!
I think she has a fantastic voice and bought the CD for the 'other half' and have to say that I was really disappointed - there were only a couple of tracks that I liked (might just be me). Bleeding Love is an outstanding song and her voice is superb but yes I agree that she definitely needs the right songs.
I can still remember her rendition of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" on the X Fuctor. IMHO she actually performed it better that Whitney herself - and that's saying something!

I couldn't agree more, that performance was jaw dropping!

I agree she needs top original material - stuff destined to become classics, but if she keeps selling CDs at her current rate no doubt she'll attract the writers who can deliver the goods.... I hope so!
She has a great voice and seems like a lovely gal but so far I'm not exactly that taken with what she's done.

I'd hate to see her turned into some UK version of Whitney or Mariah. Just masacaring songs left right and centre with a huge vocal range. There's no point having a 20 million octave range if there's no feeling in anything that you do.

So far, the only TV winner that's really impressed me is Will Young. Now he's a diva. ;)
No argument - Will Young can sing anything. ;)
No argument - Will Young can sing anything. ;)

except.........I cant stand his voice and can't bear to look at him! :shrug: :D
Just so people are aware she didn't really just walk in off the street she has I believe previously had a recording contract but never been a success. In my opinion her big problem is never going to be vocal she has an awe inspiring voice but like other have said she needs the right songs and I'm not sure they have been delivered yet hopefully the worlds best writers will be lined up for her next album. Her other stumbling block I think could be her personality or should I say lack of it, yes she's a lovely girl but I think she needs a little bit more about her if she is going to be up there with the best in the world.
except.........I cant stand his voice and can't bear to look at him! :shrug: :D

LOL. And he's turned into a real prima donna it seems. Insists on his dressing room being decorated in pink and white-just for him, :D
I have to admit, i just don't like Will Young, and will turn over the radio if he is on. But leona Lewis, is out of this world. Somewhere over the rainbow was fantastic on X Factor. yet I'm not over keen on her new album, there is nothing that make me think wow.
I couldn't agree more, that performance was jaw dropping!

I agree she needs top original material - stuff destined to become classics, but if she keeps selling CDs at her current rate no doubt she'll attract the writers who can deliver the goods.... I hope so!

Fingers crossed that she gets some good material, her voice is superb, gave me goosebumps when she did "over the Rainbow" (y)
I couldn't agree more, that performance was jaw dropping!

linky for those that missed it... best up loud!!


I agree - she has an amazing voice - but have also been a little disappointed with her album.

By the way - on a different subject completely - Lady Pistop's AV has changed - and is more gorgeous than before - how is that even possible??

The reason I don't like modern 'pop' music is because, as already pointed out, they have songs written for them. I'd prefer to listen to music where the band or artist has sat down and wrote a song that actually means something to them, and then sung it, and written the music to accompany the lyrics. These pop sings have good voices, sure, but do they have much musical knowledge? Probably not. More often than not, the songs don't convey much emotion and aren't very heartfelt. These people are used as money makers by big record labels, it's all about the money not the quality of the music with these pop stars.
IIRC, she did a rather fine version of summertime didn't she??
shes as dull as dishwater, gets her songs written for her which i detest in musicians and well bleeding love is possibly one of the most irritating songs ive heard for a while.

she can however sing very well by the sounds of it.
^^^^ agree bleeding love is the most anoying song since umbrella :| bleeding shut up love i say :LOL:
gets her songs written for her which i detest in musicians

Which is a bit like detesting a fashion photographer because he gets the dresses made by someone else :D
(Not the greatest analogy, but what the hey)

While I love singer-songwriters and feel that they add something over and above a singer singing someone else's songs, I can't agree that somebody with a stunning voice shouldn't sing; or that a talented songwriter who can't sing shouldn't write. That's just st00pid.
And where would Nigel Kennedy be without Guiseppe Verdi? :D
notice the word "I" not "we should all" so dont bash me for having an opinion

I think classical musicians and orchestras playing the works of famous composers is ever so slightly different to some gameshow winner playing some faceless songwriters latest penning, i think the correct term is performing and thats all the pop idol and X factor contestants have shown to be... performers
You're fully entitled to your opinion, but if you're going to have one and state it, you need to stop assuming that anyone having a contrary one is bashing you. ;)
I doubt the likes of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc wrote their own songs. We will never know who wrote them and we dont care.

They sung them well as Leona does hers.
well ive just been here but watched the "somewhere over the rainbow" link instead.

I always thought Eva Cassidy did the best version of this.. but Ive changed my mind!!

Made me go weak at the knees!!

Had a rough time recently with bad news for me and Mrs G.
This made me cry! :crying:

Such a good version, and I'm a huge fan of Eva Cassidy already.