Let's see your amusing sign shots

Painters' Paintings - makes perfect sense to me.

It's all in the apostrophe! An exhibition of paintings owned and collected by established artists.

"Eats, Shoots and Leaves".

I understood the apostrophe. They were my staple diet as I was growing up.

But it's as odd as an exhibition of "Photographers' Photos" or "Sculptors' Sculptures".
I just cant keep up with these bloody French people, too fast for me.
seen on an Assie out-house on my trip to Adelaide years ago
with a warning not to sit on a red-backed spider.......:eek:

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and here's one on the Shinkansen train from Toyko to Ako - taken by me
showing how 'Western style' toilets are used vs the local 'long-drop' style..........:)
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A Natural Sign

(turn left a the tree man)

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