B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

Mrs WW on a bramble picking expedition and wearing one of my old shirts, so she doesn't get one of hers clicked and stained.

Would anyone like to share any B&W conversion tips?

If you think this could clog up the thread please pm me, if you have the time :D


We met his guy whilst out walking and he seemed very keen to talk. I learned he was from the same town as my mother and in fact lived just a few hundred yards away, they knew some of the same people and may have, probably did maybe, cross paths and meet at some point. Just shows what can happen if you stop and talk to a stranger.


I had a look through some old albums yesterday and there were all sorts of mono pictures, some sepia to various degrees, some B&W with lower contrast and some with higher, all sorts of styles really.
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Blimey! You sure you're not one of The Wurzels? :D
"Walking The Dog" (I know this post is not showing properly, please click on the post title by the red X to view)

Walking The Dog-03644ip by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr
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The sky looks a bit strange. What's going on there?
The sky was fairly bright causing quite a contrast, the camera really struggles in this sort of scene , I've toned it down a little but TP seems to make this worse than if I'm viewing it direct on my own PC I'm guessing it adds a bit more compression.
I thought this might make a B&W conversion.

It was taken on a miserable day with my Canon 300D at 28mm, f13, ISO 1,600.


It wasn't until later that I realised that my then GF had a very similar picture framed and on the wall outside the bathroom. That picture was taken by someone famous but I can't remember who.

My picture had quite a few people in it but I've roughly removed them.

This is a cleaner version.


The second one was done in Nik Silver efex, the first was done in that and then ran through analogue efex. Which is the best?
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