B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

.... in a bottle

Very nice candid street style capture Garry, liking this pic very much.

"I didn't know that "Photography Quarter" existed, what actually is it all about?"

Thanks, George.

It's just an extension of The Photographers' Gallery, which is behind me on the left as I took the photo. And it's just this small area for sitting, looking at the huge prints, taking selfies, the usual stuff.

The Photographers' Gallery can be a great place to visit depending on what exhibitions they have on. At the moment the gallery floors are closed and only the bookshop and printshop (in the basement) and the cafe (on the ground floor) are open. They're getting ready for the Deutsche Börse prize coming up in two days' time. The other events are listed here at the URL below. They have their own ideas about what's good in photography, which I don't always agree with. Sometimes they have brilliant photographers like Tish Murtha and Chris Killip, but at other times it's like they've let a four-year-old with a toy camera run around snapping, and called it 'art'. Anyway, the coffee and cakes are ok.

Thanks, George.

It's just an extension of The Photographers' Gallery, which is behind me on the left as I took the photo. And it's just this small area for sitting, looking at the huge prints, taking selfies, the usual stuff.

The Photographers' Gallery can be a great place to visit depending on what exhibitions they have on. At the moment the gallery floors are closed and only the bookshop and printshop (in the basement) and the cafe (on the ground floor) are open. They're getting ready for the Deutsche Börse prize coming up in two days' time. The other events are listed here at the URL below. They have their own ideas about what's good in photography, which I don't always agree with. Sometimes they have brilliant photographers like Tish Murtha and Chris Killip, but at other times it's like they've let a four-year-old with a toy camera run around snapping, and called it 'art'. Anyway, the coffee and cakes are ok.

Thanks for that Garry, I'll give that place a look when I'm next in that part of town. Personally I don't mind looking at any standard of photography as I feel everyone has something to offer in one way or another.
Very nice candid street style capture Garry, with a good high contrast mono presentation.

"That Hipstamatic app sure can produce some really good punchy presentations".

Thanks, George. It looks less punchy on my phone, and when I get them on the Mac I'm so used to seeing the effect that I often forget to dial it back a bit. It can be especially 'noir' on the ones I run through Hipsta twice.
It can be especially 'noir' on the ones I run through Hipsta twice.
I must admit, that I do quite like that style, in your B&W images
Thanks, George. It looks less punchy on my phone, and when I get them on the Mac I'm so used to seeing the effect that I often forget to dial it back a bit. It can be especially 'noir' on the ones I run through Hipsta twice.

I personally don't think they need any dialling back, as you no doubt realise I much, much prefer mono presentations to colour in almost every situation. One thing I can't stand are mono images (or colour) that are wish washy ie lacking in contrast just to get a few extra tones, my opinion is if a tog is going to produce work in mono at least have a good solid black somewhere in the pic'. Someone said to me many moons ago when everyone worked in mono that the tone that makes a mono pic' bright is black.
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I'm seldom in the right place, at the right time for misty woodland shots. But in this case the mist hung around all day. I feel like a proper landscape photographer now. :D



Fomapan 200. Accidentally pushed to 400 on an old Chinon CX.