Light 'em up

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I was a bit bored today ( :p if Minimeeze is reading this :D ).

Anyway, I saw there was a local drag race meet on near York and decided to go along for something different. Not my cuppa tea really, and these were the only half decent shots I managed :shrug:

Light em up





continured ...

I noticed there seemed to be a few Dads who managed to drag :)exit: ) their lads along to help out






Tried to show the speed and used some low shutter speeds for these (< 1/100th I think) - didn't work out entirely right :bonk:



love the last two (y)

Really :thinking:
I was a bit dissappointed with them, but I suppose I should'nt complain given the slow shutter speed I used. The slow shutter and panning acheived the right sense of speed I was looking for, but I wanted the car to be a bit sharper really.

Thanks for the comment though. Much appreciated :)

Really :thinking:
I was a bit dissappointed with them, but I suppose I should'nt complain given the slow shutter speed I used. The slow shutter and panning acheived the right sense of speed I was looking for, but I wanted the car to be a bit sharper really.

Thanks for the comment though. Much appreciated :)


How much sharper do you want it? :eek: Looks pin sharp to me already! (y)
I also love the last two - nice effects with the slow shutter speed and pan!
I like these, particularly the first - something a bit different from a motorsport event :)

Oh, and is that Kerso up there? :D
Thanks for the comments everyone :)

Drag racing - one of my favourites!

I always stuggle getting good shots. Its amazing how unphotogenic it all is. I think you've done very well. :)

Joe, you're exactly right - the event was 'unphotogenic', particularly the drag racing itself. Those double barriers always seemed to be in the way. Its difficult trying to get a variation in shot types given the format of the racing itself :shrug: .

Anyway, thanks all (y)

:p to you too :razz:
I think you've done really well in capturing the day :clap:
Really like the one of the father and son pushing the car. Both have got great expressions - either nervous or like they just lost! Also, th 'Stang, what a car! You got the sense of speed really well, and the vibrancy of the red too
looks like a good day, never been to an event like that before