Light Painted Lotus's - Exige and Elise.

Cheers Phil.

The car is blue, you know ;-)

I see what you mean still - but I like the cold look of it. Ta for the feedback though - that's what it's here for.

I posted this across in the creative thread... bit of a mixture of things going on in this one: Less automotive, although it's still got a light painted car in it! Went for a non-standard angle on this one...!

Love #1.

Also, that picture you've just posted is amazing. It almost doesn't look real! Good work.
Cheers Tom.

I've actually had to tone down the car a little too - a bit of take back on the saturation and vibrance, as in an earlier edit, it looked completely like it was a CGI drop in!

I think some tinted lighting of the garage space around the car would have worked well, but it's a bit of a tip in there...! Looked far too 'busy'. (bikes on the wall, shelves of 'lotus 'tat'!)
A shame.

Ta anyway.
Its a classic shot and you've done it really well there.

Its not a shot i've ever tried myself, might try it on mine at some point, any tips?