Lightning over Argassi, Zante.


Not a mermaid
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The first night on holiday in Greece saw us greeted with the mother of all thunder storms! but i loved it!! :nuts:

This picture wont win any awards, but just to show the strength of it...


The bolt isn't visible in the sky, but if you check out the reflection in the pool you can see more detail..

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cough *picture size* cough

Like the way the lighting bolt is lost in the sky but visible in the reflection. Is that lens flare at the far corner of the pool?

resize it please :)
Sorry about that! all sorted now..

I think that is a water droplet on the lens.. it was lashing it down! lol.. i couldn't move too far out of the rain as it ruined the composition! also some of the roof i was under was leaking! :shrug:
The colours were smashing.. it was a feirce storm and i watched in to the early hours! iv got some video shot on the 5D MkII that shows it all very well..

Thanks for stopping by..