Live View - I'll hold my hand up

Live View on my Canon 450D has been the biggest dissapointment of the camera, which is otherwise great. My old compact Ixus 400 was designed to operate in Live View all the time and was able to auto focus and do everything very well. Perhaps I haven't yet explored the 450D enough but so far I haven't figured out how to Autofocus or how to identify focus points in Live View. Manual Focus is of course possible, but extremely difficult for me as there are no focusing aids, or cross hairs or anything. I usually magnify by x10 and try and get it looking sharp, but that's not ideal. Any tips anyone?
Interesting comments.
I just bouight my first DSLR yesterday with liveview and was wondering if there was much use for it.
Live View on my Canon 450D has been the biggest dissapointment of the camera, which is otherwise great. My old compact Ixus 400 was designed to operate in Live View all the time and was able to auto focus and do everything very well. Perhaps I haven't yet explored the 450D enough but so far I haven't figured out how to Autofocus or how to identify focus points in Live View. Manual Focus is of course possible, but extremely difficult for me as there are no focusing aids, or cross hairs or anything. I usually magnify by x10 and try and get it looking sharp, but that's not ideal. Any tips anyone?

Magnify by 10x should be good enough to critically focus. It's what I do when I've got a 2x extender on my long lens.
....... but so far I haven't figured out how to Autofocus or how to identify focus points in Live View. .......... Any tips anyone?

Have you read the manual?

I found live view very useful recently while taking produce photos in shops without looking like a dork. It enables me to take a photo of products at waist height while I stand upright. Much more discreet than using the viewfinder.
Wait till you try live view through the EOS remote tethering software: your head is going to fall off!
You can zoom right in to set your focus accurately etc.
You can also focus the camera directly from the pc. I reckon (but havent tried yet) that it should be useful for taking shots for focus stacking. Eg if you focus from the computer, that surely should stop any chance of the camera/tripod from moving as it could when you manually focus from the camera.
I thought I'd rarely use it but shooting landscapes on a tripod, putting it in manual focus and zooming in 10x has become second nature to me.

Useful as well when using a 10 stop ND filter
Wait till you try live view through the EOS remote tethering software: your head is going to fall off!
You can zoom right in to set your focus accurately etc.
You can also focus the camera directly from the pc. I reckon (but havent tried yet) that it should be useful for taking shots for focus stacking. Eg if you focus from the computer, that surely should stop any chance of the camera/tripod from moving as it could when you manually focus from the camera.

This I'd like to try. Very limited possible uses for this course, but I could maybe make it work. I'm mainly shooting in night clubs, on the dance floor(!), and gigs, so a Macbook in one hand would be a challenge. Might be good for landscapes and stuff though.
the main reason I used live view on my old camera was to make sure I could get pin sharp photographs by using contrast detect AF. In lower light the phase detect AF could be out enough to make the images very slightly soft - but there was no pattern and it wasn't consistent front/back focus.

My 'new' camera doesnt have live view, but the focus system is so bloody good it doesn't need it.