local paper - how to invoice

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Hi guys,

Need a bit of help. I recently did some work for my local paper (in Ireland) and now I have to invoice them. How do I charge - really don't want to look like an idiot. Do I charge for time / photos submitted / photos used????

Also how much do I charge? The paper is based in the west of Ireland if that helps. First job was about 4 hours, I submitted about a dozen images and they used 4. Second job was about 1 hour long, submitted 2 shots and they used 1.

Last question.........Do I factor fuel costs in too?
Ok, Really last question.......is there a standard acceptable layout for an invoice? Again really don't want to look like an idiot to these guys!!!

All info welcome.


You can't charge for time/fuel (unless you want to look like an amateur ), the norm is to charge per photo used rather than submitted, otherwise you could just submit 300 images at a time and retire at the end of the month :LOL: Unless of course, you were contracted at an hourly rate plus expenses to carry out the assignment.

You also have to decide if you are retaining copyright for the images and therefore simply granting the paper a one-off licence to use them, or whether you are selling the images, complete with copyright and/or the right to use them as many times, and in any way, that they see fit.

If it is a one-off licence then you need to make it clear, eg, that it is, say, 40 € for the first time the image is used and 15€ for each subsequent publication and whether this just covers print or web etc as well.

It all really depends on what the agreement was between you and the paper, was there an actual contract, or did you, as Moz asks, just send the pics in on spec?
Not being funny but you should have sorted the price before
doing the job,
If you didn't agree a price beforehand (which you should really), pick up the phone and ask the editor what/how much you should invoice for. Your hands are tied a bit now.
Thanks for the replies. I was asked by the paper to do the jobs. Hadn't even thought about copyright!!!

Thanks again
I agree you should have agreed a price before you went on the job. However that's history and your best bet is to negotiate with the paper. They probably have a standard rate for pictures.

May I suggest in the future you get a fee for the job rather than rely on how many pictures they use. That way you get the income irrespective of how many ( or few) pictures they use. It's different if you supply images on spec against being asked to go to a location and produce photographs .
Oooh, another job without a proper contract.

Tsk, tsk.
ok ok so I should have sorted this out BEFORE doing the job!!! Was just so chuffed to be asked and figured they had standard rates for jobs. Lesson learned! Cheers anyway folks
Not goign to mention what you should have done before the job. You have been shot down enough for that!! :p

You could call the picture desk of the paper. Ask whoever answers who to address the invoice to. Then mention that you need to know their freelance rate is for the picture is as it will be different to your commercial rates.// r somethng along those lines..

if you have Word or other such programme, theres usually some invoice templates on the Microsoft Office website IIRC that are free to download and amend accordingly.

They will have a standard rate - and not enought to retire on! Copyright in the pics will be yours - that is standard too.