Loch Rusky, July 2021.

Superb, out of interest how does it compare to the colour version?
Very nice. :)
That's lovely dale. Well taken and well processed :D
Superb, out of interest how does it compare to the colour version?

Thank you,

This is straight off the camera, just coverted from RAW to JPEG and sized for here. I just checked the time taken, 3:41 am.

IMGL6914 samp tp.jpg

Very nice. :)

Thanks Roger.

Less vibrant is what he'll come back with :)

Certainly as a RAW file.

Very nice indeed.

Thank you.

That's lovely dale. Well taken and well processed :D

Cheers Alan.
:eek: dedication!

Nah, insomnia. :LOL:

I'm not a morning person, I'd rather stay up all night than get up at stupid o'clock, as was the case for this one, I left home at 1-30 am, pitch black when I got there but not long getting some light. It's probably just about 90 minutes from home. (y)
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Top quality photo. I much prefer the black and white version to the colour version, and it has a more "high key" feel to it which really works for the subject.
Thanks for showing us both versions, it's a tough call but personally prefer the colour version due to it enhancing the details in the boats in the image. I would be printing off either one and mounting the print on a wall.
Thanks for showing us both versions, it's a tough call but personally prefer the colour version due to it enhancing the details in the boats in the image. I would be printing off either one and mounting the print on a wall.

Thanks Simon.
The monochrome high key edit is absolutely blob on.