Lomo Fisheye 2 seeks companionship and maybe more!


Nod (UK)
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As title really!

Inspired by the other travelling cameras and having turned the thing up in my continuing tidying up, I've decided that it may as well get put to some use, if anyone's interested.

It's a Lomo Fisheye 2, with a 170° field of view, cropped slightly at the top and bottom of the frame. It was originally bought to see if I really wanted a fisheye - turns out I did, so managed to get one through the forum!

As one would expect from a Lomo, ultimate quality isn't its strongest point so GSOH is a definite requirement for any companions. Then again, a GSOH is needed for most fisheyes!


Not being an SLR means that it's all to possible to end up with this classic Lomo shot... Any participants have been duly warned!


If anyone has a Peli case that will hold and protect the thing, would it be possible to borrow it for the duration of the thing's travels? I shall be posting a begging thread in the Wanted section for one for it and could even be persuaded to pay for one sourced through there.

Now, down to the nitty gritty! There may be a prize! Depending on how many people want to play, I may well give the thing to the taker of the best/funniest/best_use_of_a_fisheye/whatever_shot_I_like_most, otherwise it'll end up in the classifieds at a very reasonable price. As with the other travellers, it would make sense to do any transfers in person rather than spend a fortune on postage. The thing isn't that valuable, so Recorded Delivery is all it'll need apart from the normal postage, should it need to go further than is practical by meet. It's the RM transit that makes a small Peli type case attractive - even a footie mad postie would be hard pressed to knacker one of them. If the construction wasn't cheap and plastic, a cardboard box and bubbles would do but it would be a shame to break the thing.

Since it's 35mm, I reckon it makes sense for each companion to take 3 or 4 frames, with the first one being of a piece of paper with their name on so there need be no messing about with remembering frame numbers and identifying the shooters. That may be 9 or 10 "wasted" frames but will make life easier in the long run. I'll be happy to deal with the D&Ping if the camera is returned to me when full - D&P will be dealt with by Boots, who will also do the transfer to CD. The images will then be transferred to an album so the shooters can choose which of their shots they want to enter for consideration then posted to a thread and either judged by me (maybe with some help if I need it!) or put to a poll if there aren't too many. I'll also provide the film - depending on participant numbers, it'll be either Konica Minolta Centuria 400 (I have 4 x 24 shot rolls of that) or KM Centuria 200 (I have 6 x 36 rolls of that). From memory, the 400 will give better results but to keep the playing field level, I think it's fairest to keep the film stock constant. Just to add to the Lomo experience, the films are all out of date (2006!) but have been fridged (IIRC - they came as a thank you [unsolicited] for some other films I gave away here a while ago. To my eternal shame, I can't remember who it was that sent them to me but than you again and I hope you think this is a suitable use for them.) since new.

Please register any interest in this thread and include a general location, so a timetable of sorts can be arranged to keep post trips down. Once there are a few dates lined up for it, I'll ask for contact details for #1 - ideally within spitting distance of Exeter (I'm afraid I'm off driving until early January but I doubt I'll get everything sorted until then anyway!) and arrange an itiniary (?sp?) that is vaguely logical; if there are any groups who know each other in real life, let me know and I'll take that into account.

I think that covers everything but if any of the previous organisers of similar adventures have any helpful suggestions, I'm all ears (please, NO Noddy/Big Ears jokes - that's not where "Nod" came from!).

Oh, any shots I feel deserve it may get scanned here and printed for the shooter at A4 - whatever the main vote, that decision will be mine alone!
I'd be very keen to be involved. I am in rural East Anglia a few miles south of Norwich in terms of logistics.
Count me in - and i've got a shed load of out of date film in the fridge if you need anyone to kick in a few rolls

if you want to put me first i'm happy to come get it - and i regularly go to both buckinghamshire and lancaster , plus all over devon and west dorset so i could maybe hand it on in person

Maybe we can arrange a pass the parcel intinery rather than letting the royal mail play sorting office football with it (y)
On the general principle of "try everything at least once, except...", I'd really love to try this. I've never understood why anyone would spend a shedload on a fisheye, so maybe this is the best way to find out!

Oh, I'm in Kenilworth, Midlands, not far from M5, M6, M40, even M1...
Your names are all on ze liszt!

Pete, since you are almost certainly going to be closest, you'll almost certainly be first on the list. I'll warn you now that it's already been to your local beach (at work) a couple of times, so I know the sort of shot it can do there!

Pass the parcel would be the ideal scenario but with a bit of luck, it will be heading for some of the further reaches of this sceptred isle (or even a couple of the outlying isles!) so the RM strikers (as in soccer, not the workshy!) will probably get a kick or 2 in.

Like I said, kick off will probably be in the new year - if nothing else, at least the post should be getting back to what passes for normal then.

Chris, a fisheye isn't an everyday lens (although I have spent a couple of days with it as the one fitted, albeit with a bag full of alternatives strapped to my back!) but it is great fun. I was extremely lucky to find a Sigma 8mm in the classifieds here for just £220 inc P&P. I would probably have gone up to £250 for one but mine was a genuine bargain, in 100% as brand new condition - still sealed in its original plastic bag!
I'd love to take part in this. Room for another one?
Fisheye you say... Hmm, yeah I'd be up for a go with that. I'm not that remote...
Go on then , what harm can another travelling camera challenge cause?
Careful - you may find the fisheye experience bites! TBH, I'd always fancied one and when I saw that there was a cheap way into it, I jumped in with both feet, having spotted that a shop in town stocked the things. After just 2 films through it, I was hooked and have since bought and used (a lot!) a proper fisheye for the SLRs.

The more participants, the merrier and the more likelyhood of being able to pass the parcel!
All welcome. Once there are a few more names, I'll draw up a list with a vague idea of order then possibly add others to that list in geographically logical sequence.
Well, Santa obliged as far as a Peli box goes, so the thing is going to be relatively post safe - just need to extract thumb from orifice and sort some sort of itinerary. I reckon that rather than each person having it for a couple of days, it might be an idea for each "player" to plan a whole film's worth of shots, even it that means plenty of unflattering portraits of loved (or not so loved!) ones... 24 (or even 12) exposure rolls may be a better idea than 36s but as long as nobody Bogards/Bogarts it for too long, anything goes! I reckon a week or 2 should be enough for most.

Apart from the first journey, where I'll take it to Pete in person, I reckon it'll be easiest to then post it about in the order people have expressed interest, unless interested parties live close to each other and can do a personal transfer to save a few pennies.

As for the competition side of the idea, well, I reckon 2 of each participant's photos should be enough to showcase their talents and the prize will be the beast itself. I'm afraid I'll need the Peli back though - besides, once the competition's over, its travelling days will probably be numbered anyway. Come to think of it, the winner will get the whole kit and caboodle - original box, brochures, booklet and instructions - even down to the price sticker!

Time to get plucking! (The foam in the Peli...)

Oh, with postage costs being not cheap, it makes sense for everyone to deal with their own D&P, either at home or at their lab of choice (it won't be ultra high quality results, so top labs might be overkill - Boots or similar are probably the most cost effective option, especially if you get them to do a scan at the same time). No restrictions WRT PP etc. I'll pop some rolls of 400 ISO colour print film in the Peli - if you want to use it, that's fine by me but I take ZERO responsibility for any odd results that may be a result of its age and provenance! If there's a gap in the foam and you have a roll or 2 spare, feel free to pass it on but please don't pluck any more foam out.
I had no idea what a Peli box was, so Googled... and they say you only need to buy once! If it breaks, they'll replace it...

Definitely looking forward to this. :thinking:
24 (or even 12) exposure rolls may be a better idea than 36s.

hang on , does this thing run on standard 35mm :eek: - for some reason i assumed it was a medium format like helga.

I'm not going to be able to kick in any fillum as all my out if date fridge filling is 120
No problem, Pete! The format was mentionned in the OP. Not sure when you're back to work but I can pop down at almost any time after next weekend.

The blurb in the box suggests 400 ISO unless the light's very good, so I'd stick with that at this time of year! Anyone who has custody in Summer will get away with lower ISO film but even then, I would suggest 200 in the UK, although 100 might be OK in the Med/Carribbean etc. Print is a better idea than slides - with no exposure control, you'll need the latitude.
Very exciting challenge that I am looking forward to participating in. in terms of film and I am very happy to add a few rolls of 24 to the journey and help the Lomo on its way.
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i'm back in from tommorow , although whether you'll catch me in is another matter as the diary is as usual rammed - there's usually someone about though, and parcels can be left with gary at the forge next door if not

(NB the road into branscombe by the pig farm (ie the one from the donkey sanctuary turn off) is/was flooded - so don't come that way unless you want your shiny new motor liberally spattered with gobbets of pig slurry)
Thanks for that warning Pete! I'll come the other way (well, might have a look at the way I know best and see what state it's in when I come down!). It'll be some time next week - if you PM me your number, maybe lunch could be a possibility?

KayJay, I'll add you to the list.
Right, Peli plucked (and oven ready - make a welcome change from bloody turkey!), manual printed (and can be viewed HERE) so ready to go. Pete, I'm free next Tuesday and Friday if either's good for you, possibly for lunch? If you're not about, I can leave it for you at the forge. There are 4 films in the Peli with the camera, feel free to use them if you want (as I said, NO guarantee as to what the results will be like, the films were a donation [unsolicited but still welcome] in return for some other film I gave away last year) or to fill any empty spaces. There are 2x400 ISO and 2x200 ISO - the 200 should be OK for decent light or B type experiments (see manual!).

Thos who have expressed an interest so far and who should have custody in order of expression of interest are:-

Pete (BigSoftMoose) - East Devon
Simon Ess - North Staffs
Jao - Norfolk
ChrisR - Kenilworth, W. Midlands
JB131 - Surrey
Steveomcg - Edinburgh
RaglanSurf - W. London }Could possibly hand over
SurreyWeddings - London (? Wimbledon) }in person to save postage?
Walsh - Pembrokeshire
Happygolucky - South East
KayJay - Scotland } Could possibly communicate with Steveomcg if near E.?

The Peli will be in its cardboard box - not for any protection, more a little disguise and to make it easier to label for postage! I'll stick my address as the return address (in case it's undelivered somewhere) on the box and will also sticker the camera and inside the Peli, so if there are any problems, it can be got back to me.

Once people start getting D&P done and scanned/resized etc, I'll get a thred going either in here or the Viewing section and eventally some sort of voting set up. Start planning folks!

Anyone else interested, post here and (if convenient) I'll drop you into the schedule or tack you onto the end. As I said, a fortnight should be enough to have a good play but I won't send the boys round until someone's had it for over a month. :)

Happy Snapping!
And, like a Tesco burger, it's off! Dropped onto Pete's desk this morning.
yep the eagle has landed - just in time for it to snow (hopefully) meaning i'll spend all of the weekend trying to stop the visiting public sledging into trees, barbed wire or off cliffs -but may manage the occasions WA shot of them at the same time.
Would help you if the snow was enough and it was cold enough to settle!

'Twas quite chilly on the beach this morning (while you were probably still tucked up in bed, slacker!) but that was wind chill - thermometer read 4°. Still bloody glad of the heated seats!!!
(while you were probably still tucked up in bed, slacker!)

I was up a 5.45 am - I just didnt make it into the nice warm office until 10ish
Ive had the camera for nearly a month and not yet found time to use it - to be honest i'm probably not going to in the near future either

if simon ess would like to pm me his address i'll send the lomo on, and maybe someone who's actually got time to kick this off can do so
No contact at all from Simon - has this thread died on its arse (if so I'll drop the camera back to Nod in due course) or woul;d someone else from the list like a travelling lomo ?
No contact at all from Simon - has this thread died on its arse (if so I'll drop the camera back to Nod in due course) or woul;d someone else from the list like a travelling lomo ?

Adrian (Jao) is next on the list and is an active member of the F&C section so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting hold of him.
I am here and very keen to have a go with the Lomo!
PM me your address and i'll get it posted on asap
Pete, PM sent!
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Hi Pete, have you posted the Lomo, only nothing has appeared at this end concerned if you have posted in case it has gone astray?
Sorry mate - ive been tied up for a while with family stuff and totally forgot to post it - i'll do it tommorow.
Cheers Pete, I'm looking forward to having a go shooting with the Lomo.
Hopefully Mr Busy (!) will have managed to ship the thing on to you soon Adrian - enjoy!
Cheers Nod, I am really looking forward to shooting with the Fisheye. It hasn't arrived yet but I know Pete was going to get it in the post to me this week. I let you know when it arrives and if I have some decent light I will get my shots done and get it in to the next fisheye shooter!
Pete, I wonder have you posted the Lomo yet, only nothing has arrived here yet.