Looking to improve my photography

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I'm a transplant from the states (minnesota) and am now a permenant resident of 7+ years here in Wales. Been into photography pretty much since I came over here and have had a progression of cameras from a Fuji Finepix S7000 on to Canon's 50D. Now mainly using Canon's 50d/100-400mm lens, mostly for bird photography although I enjoy some macro work and pics of my kids as well.

Been enjoying photography for many years, and although reasonably happy with my photos I'm looking to learn more about the technical side to it and see if I can improve on what I'm doing. I'm mostly lurking and reading here for the moment, although I hope to gain confidence and knowledge enough to contribute, and to ask the questions when I need some help. Can't wait to learn more! (y)

Hi Jen, I too live not far from you (Brecon) and my brother in law lives in Minneapolis so we visit minnesota quite often. Anyway hope your photography improves by being part of a forum.
Nikonfan: Thanks for the welcome! small world then :) I visit the twin cities often as that's where I'm from, my parents live closer to st. paul.

Lunatic Samurai: Just looking to improve my technical ability, as although I understand basic settings like iso, exposure and the like, anything else is beyond my understanding. So I'm hoping to improve that. Also my compositional abilities and just my technique. Lots actually, now that I try and write it down :)
Welcome Jennifer....


There are quite a few of us from South Wales here and a couple from Caerphilly...

If you fancy getting out for a meet we have one planned next month in the Beacons...

Check out link in my sig...

Another South Wales person here :)

.. Oh and Welcome, give it a few weeks and you will be addicted to this forum :help:
Hey RatedF & DaveOz, thanks for the welcome! I'm already spending more time on here than is really healthy lol. Lots of reading but not any posts yet, still gaining courage.

After looking at some of your flickr pic's you have no reason to be nervous there are some brilliant shots on there!:)