Loose Hill Derbyshire

Cheers for that Gandhi.

I like the sky in the first one....not sure which ground one I prefer:thinking:

Think you will agree the original picture was a tricky one to work with.......think a mono version might be in order for this one or something like you did originally.

If I remember correctly I used an ND 0.9 hard filter and a CP for the shot.

Cheers mate(y)
It was tricky, but I think only because you used thewrong filtyer and therefore it was difficult to balance the sky and foreground.If it was me, I'd probably have filter bracketed. I.E. done the same shot with the .9 .6 &.3 grads. As for the Cp, I personaly wouldn't have bothered, there are no reflections and not enough blue sky to warrant it's usage. But ultimately, it's all personal taste I guess.

P.s. Wanna swap cameras? Quite impressed with the quality of the raw files out of yours. I do reserve the right to change my opinion when I get my d200 though ;)
It's place I will visit again and try again;)

Yep am happy witht the files out of the 1D......just wish I could improve on my processing;)

Not be long before you have the D200 am sure.
Well I'm a complete beginner, not even a novice when it comes to photography but after reading this thread a number of times I thought I would throw my thoughts in.
I love the first picture the best and yes I can see what all of you saying about over processing etc but I think it adds a mood to the picture highlighting to me the harshness of the enviroment and the raw beauty of the harsh landscape.
I have walked and camped out in all weathers in this area when I was younger and the first picture touches me to the point I can almost feel the wind and ice, the rain and blazing hot sun from weekends away.