Made it in to the local paper?

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Have you ever had any of your pictures in your local paper?

If so post the picture and explain :)
unfortunately i dont have any of the originals. But i have had a few photos in the paper as i did my work experience and the Hexham Courant as a photographer assistant and i went along and took a few shots aswell, fortunately my 18-55 was wider than the actual photographers 28-70 (his was full frame, overwise it would of been a no brainer) and the editorial office picked mine over his ... :)
lol fair play

my aim is to get in the local paper lol
every week for the past two years and bits before that... tomorrows local will have todays cricket :)
Just the once so far for me but I do keep sending things in with stories, don't think they like me, lol !

This is the one that was published....
Twice i have had mine published, once when there was a road accident and a helicopter landed infront of me literaly a few feet away from the car, and then when a new currys store was opened, if i can find photos i will post them lol
Had this picture published on half a page of the sports section with a write up in the local paper.
I think it was unusual to have a cycle race in mid April in a snow blizzard with zero degree temperature. :wacky:

Heres mine, from a few months ago when all the rivers were stupidly high, made the front page too, a couple from their 'tog were printed on the inside :woot:

Weird thing is, I parked and ate my lunch about 20ft further forward from where I took the photo, I'd guess it was about 9ft under water :eek:


Weird really, since IMO this was one of the poorest shots I sent to them, yet they must've thought it best of the lot

Here's mine that made it into the local press sports page this week, taken at last Saturdays cup game at Haslingden.


Here's mine that made it into the local press sports page this week, taken at last Saturdays cup game at Haslingden.

which paper? could be same as mine :)
I used to get published every week when i was doing photos for my football team when I was back in the UK. It was very easy for me though as I was introduced to the press reporter by the guy that did the match write-ups. From then on it was every week!

Is it sad that I have got a copy of every paper I was published in?!!!
Is it sad that I have got a copy of every paper I was published in?!!!

haha I gave up in the end. a pile of newspapers no one was ever going to see.. made a nice fire in the garden :)

I have my first magazine cover framed and on the wall next to my first compo winner
Never had any in the press but have had 12 or so on the BBC weather local news over the years.

None of late as I can't get up at 5am any more, too old for that lark now ;)
When I covered the football I was published weekly, both in the local and nationals, and have also had some magazine work. I used to keep everything I was in but dont bother so much now. Have 5 copies of a magazine that I was commissioned to shoot the cover for though!! :nono:

I've had quite a few of my images in the newspapers and on tv, of fireworks, people and animals

my latest is in a poster for Western Australia environment protection and conservation its only a small pic of our tortoise, still chuffed though, click for larger image

Front page of my local rag last year when we got flooded...

Last year. Really chuffed with the photo's as they were taken with bounced flash in a really dark pub.

I get my rugby pics in our local paper each week. Hoping to get my Bike Polo shots in this week:D
hi guys, some cool stuff up there :clap: was just wondering whats the deal about payments etc as ive previously had stuff published in my local paper but i have never requested payment..... just assumed it was good to have a few cuttings to show people :LOL:
My one and only in the local rag...

I had this one printed in a local magazine


May only be a local thing, but i was proper chuffed!!:woot:
How did you all go about getting them in the papers? Just send them in to the photo desk?
Been in the paper a couple times


just email them in to the picture desk of your local; the addres is usually on their website.

Remember to include as much caption information as possible eg names of people in photo. Contact telephone number of people involved in case a reporter wants to follow up the story.

If you can imbed the captions etc within the image, all the better; it'll give the picture desk less to do.

Oh and remeber size. Not too small. About 5-8meg is what my local advises.
Talk to The Editor. The name of the game is to get paid here....

Oh and remeber size. Not too small. About 5-8meg is what my local advises.

My images are at least 30Mb. That one up there ^^^ is 210Mb. I use their ftp details and upload to their server.
About ten years ago a journalist on my local paper, the Cambrian News, was doing an article on the local population of Bottlenose Dolphins. He is a friend of mine and asked me if I had some photos of them - which I did.

A very low fee was negotiated (£30)- lower than I usually charged - and the pic duly appeared. Lo and behold, the next week they had used the pic again on the letters page. So I sent them an invoice for double the original fee. When the payment finally arrived it was for the original fee only with a copy of the invoice enclosed. The bottom line was altered in biro from £60 to £30.

Irate, I wrote to the editor and explained about reproduction fees and slide libraries etc. When no reply was forthcoming I phoned up, and she explained that she thought my original fee was too high, they never paid that much and as the slide was in their slide library :shake: they used it again.:bang:

Eventually I agreed on £45 which they paid. Now i never have anything more to do with them ....
Talk to The Editor. The name of the game is to get paid here....

My images are at least 30Mb. That one up there ^^^ is 210Mb. I use their ftp details and upload to their server.

If there is that facility and you have access, thats great! Save loads of time but i am assuming that most people would just be emailing shots in - it might be worth enquiring though if there is the FTP upload facility in place; good thinking that man!(y) Ours doesn't :( AFIAK

Opening emails with file sizes that big though can get tedious - esp if theres a few of them in an email!

The photographers at our local use D3's so their file sizes are about 30Mb+ out of the camera. They dont email in though obviously.