Magic Box

Hi Andy.

I like the image you did a good job of capturing the glow from the box.

I am assuming you have done some sort of post work to give the whole image a very soft appearance ?

Hi Andy.

I like the image you did a good job of capturing the glow from the box.

I am assuming you have done some sort of post work to give the whole image a very soft appearance ?


Thanks for your comment Gaz.
To answer your question, yes i did add the smoke to the image by using a filter (cloud) in Photoshop.
So the smoke and an added Vignette did soften the image.
The glow was from a Speedlight (covered with a Yellow Gel) placed inside the box.
It was a first attempt and has given me an idea of how i would improve things next time.
One of which would be to use "Canned Smoke" instead of the Photoshop effect which would hopefully look more genuine.