Making imaginary covers from your photos (open thread)

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There have been a couple of threads I've looked into recently involving the mention of "would make a good album cover" or book cover design.

I wondered if I was the only one that actually does this for fun, or for practical reasons. Taking a photograph and doing something with it other than printing it out, or posting it on social media.

For example...


This was a bit of fun that came out of a portrait session with Mrs H. I think I spent a good few hours in photoshop to make the movie poster look, then printed it to A2, had it framed, and stuck it on the wall. It was almost always a talking point when we had visitors, from "I haven't seen that one" to "is that you?" (to my wife)

I won't go into any details around the context of the expression, but the detectives amongst you may be able to figure it out :)

If you do these kinds of things, or want to give it a go, post your results here! Would be good to see other's interpretation.
(Wasn't sure where to post this, as it's not really a print thing, not really a specific genre thing, and not really a photoshop thing)
That's really cool. What a great idea (y)
The closest I've ever done was a Beatles rip off album cover for a friend's birthday.
we ran a competition to design a Magazine cover from a photo ages and ages ago...

My entry was re-imagining TalkPhotography as a paper magazine...

(well, strictly, it wasn't an entry as such, as I was running the competition - I just threw this in for inspiration...)

TP_Special_Issue by The Big Yin, on Flickr

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we ran a competition to design a Magazine cover from a photo ages and ages ago...
Thanks for the link Mark. Just had a browse through some of the entries.

Great stuff in there!
still think this one's crying out for an album cover...
How would you do it?

I reckon vertical white text down the (camera) right hand side of the image.
How would you do it?

I reckon vertical white text down the (camera) right hand side of the image.
that was pretty much what I was thinking - just CBA deciding what band name from my murky past to dredge up for the attempt...
Nice idea, quickly whipped up a mock ad using an image taken with my phone from GlasGLOW last year.

A little bit of mist, some font manipulation and a few other layers, tweaks and adjustments. It's a bit poop, but fun to do.

XFILES web version.jpg