Man Handled for taking a photograph

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I live in Greenwich S.E. London and just up the road from me they are filming Pirates of the Caribbean starring Johny Depp.
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nice one though mate that you didn't back down. Don't feel bad, you stood up to them
And buy your daughter an ice cream (y)
I can understand why you might regret reacting like you did but Gandhi would have struggled under these conditions.

These guys were acting outside of the law and and from what you say commited common assault but possibly more serious offences. See how you feel about it in the morning and if you want to make a stand against these type of bullies pop in to your local nick to make a statement.

I would pay to see a whole bunch of amateur photographers descend on the filming tomorrow and give these hoods the run around.

I dont think you would need to pay to get some of us down there tomorrow. A wind up whilst making a stand. Perfect.

All the best

Well done for sticking up for yourself sounds like the two guys were over inflated ego of what there job actually was and clearly need to do a course in customer relations!

Wonder how they would of reacted had your daughter not been there? Least she told the the truth to the Police and made them look like idiots!
How would you handle that better in the circumstances? Only by giving in I suspect.

JD is on Twitter - tweet him or whatever twitteres do and tell him he should change winona to wino to employed bullies! He'll know what you mean and you may or may not get a reply,but it'll be fun! :D

Given your side of the story, I would appreciate the police intervention but be mad as heck that they were giving apologies on behalf of the crew as opposed to investigating a potential attack on a local civilian.
I think you acted politely compared to how I would've reacted. Who do they think they are?!

I really want to see this it, go on you know you want to, don't make me kick off! :LOL:
"Goon sandwich" ....... :LOL:
If you really want to stick it to them - Heck go all the way and flog the image ot the papers. If the paps didn't get any shots, your's al be worth all the more to them.

As for the goons restraining you, they had no right, used unreasnable force and remain very lucky that you did not insist on pressing charges. Did the cooper take names as I really wonder whether you should conisder going to local nick and giving a formal statement.
pics or it didn't happen lol
sorry, lost me with the spelling and Grammar..........

Whilst the "goons" were (from this side of the story) obviously over the top (and it sounds like a bit overly physical), if you were on private property (need to check with Greenwich Uni as to statutes of public access and private land) then you have no rights to do x, y or z, including photography.

Doesn't seem a nice experience though!
I bet the saddest thing about this (no offence meant at all, digre and more to reiterate that it was a stupid thing for the 'security guys' to do) is that it probably wasn't the greatest of photos in the first place. This is a guy and his daughter having a walk, he takes the camera a a just in case and snaps a quick one, about 30 seconds before all hell lets loose.

Having said that, I'd like to see the pic too - if amazingly fabulous you have one to sell and if a blurry kind of snap of Depp-almighty, one to have a laugh at! :D
You handled it quite well, the only thing i would have done different is asked the officer to call for some back up so the 2 meat heads could be arrested there and then, it's common assault at the end of the day and if it would have been any other situation it would have happened immediately, you could still press charges, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier if you had of done it there and then with witnesses around, i hate bullies scum of the earth.
I'd be more concerned about the navigational skills of pirate of the Caribbean who ends up on the Thames :D
I've seen over zealous security pick on people in the past. Think they have some sort of right to bully people for no real reason. I think it was kin disgusting what they did and feel for you. They are nothing more than thugs. Security guards on film sets will probably have to hold a license to work, the same as night club bouncers have to. Find out who grant these licences and make a complaint.
I would sue them just to make the point. Common assault!
You did well in that situation, i'd have had them arrested, if it had gotten to that point before a fight had started.
Licences are via the SIA, if you feel like you might want to make a complaint :)
The OP is not gonna post a pic as it's probably blurry and too far away. I also dont think we will hear from him again as we have all built his pic up and will probably come as an anti-climax :D
He's on another forum Im on, if he posts pics there and not here, I'll point you that way. :D
Look you judgemental bunch. The 1 photo I got, as some of you have said already was blurry.:bang:

I'll post it if you want but you buggers will all take the p... out of it.
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