weekly Matty 52-2012 - Fear Added

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Decided to join in with this, as it sounds like it will motivate me to shoot a range of different subject which I may normally overlook. Also I have a lot of time in which to think about the topics and hopefully try something different within the remit.
I will be shooting with the following kit: Canon 5d, 17-40mm, 50mm 1.4, 70-200mm and 100mm 2.8 Macro, with a 580exII thrown into the mix.
I hope to gain a better understanding of my kit, and hopefully get some good results throughout the project. Fingers crossed I will come out the other side a better photographer.
Im currently based in the south of France, so perhaps my interpretations will be a little different from others on the same project, due to the slight differences in subject matter around here.
I will subscribe to the other threads for the 52 and offer advice and opinions on others work, and hopefully get feedback form others on my efforts.
Really looking forward to this. I have been thinking over the topic for week one, and will be out and about in the next couple of days shooting some ideas.
Good Luck to one and all.
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(y) well done - look forward to seeing the pics.
good luck :clap:
Thanks very much. Have got three ideas for my first photo. Will be on a mission tomorrow to get at least two of the ideas into real pixels.
Thanks for the support
Bonjour Matty...welcome to the madhouse that is the 52 :D

You will , I assure you , broaden your togging interests through this challenge , it'll possibly take over your life - just ask last years crew :LOL:

Look forward to seeing your images...have fun (y)
Got out for some shots yesterday. One which I had in mind for the topic was destined not to work out, but fortunately there were a couple of other options.
So far I have this effort, which shows the snow sculpted by the direction of the strong winds we had last weekend in the Alpes Maritimes. I love these sort of textured shots, after snapping quite a few before in Morocco and India in the sand dunes.
I thought this shot conveyed the way that landscapes can be changes both temporarily and permanently by the direction of weather systems. Also, when the weekend comes round, I am usually heading in the direction of the snow.


I have another idea, which if the rain ceases, I am going to try and get nailed this evening after work. But in the meanwhile, I thought I would at least post up one effort.
Nice shot and great interpretation. The foreground 'bulge' is a little distracting as it's not as linear as the rest of the image, always in my opinon.
I have to agree with Neil about the sand part, but I can see how it fits the theme :)
Hiya Matty

Well done to you for taking on this challenge .... believe me it can be hard work at times (having just completed the Photo52 2011).

With Week 1 ... I have to agree with Neil (Mentalblock) regards it not resembling snow and I too thought it was sand. However, I like the 'out of box' interpretation of the theme.

Good luck with the project.


Dawn :)
Thanks for the feedback folks. Seems like my first idea didn't work out too well. I had waited til later in the day to take this shot, to try and accentuate the shadows by the lower angle of the sun. I admit it does look a bit ambiguous as to whether it is sand or snow, I had adjusted the white balance a bit to get rid of the blueness, and I think the sunlight had started to change colour which perhaps didn't do me any favours with making it easy to identify. Still, I was quite happy with the shot, and more so, fortunately I have another idea up my sleeve which may prove to be a better take on the weeks topic.
thanks for the feedback though, gratefully taken on board!
Hi Matty

like your image as an abstract rather than direction but thats just me .Maybe a shot encompassng more background ie mountains or a road would give it more context ? Also , though I know it's snow....whats the color version look like ?
I can see what you are getting at with this view of direction. Whilst I find the image a bit grey I like the texture and the concept behind it.
To stick to the weeks topic, I have gone for a change in direction, and gone with a photo that hopefully, is a bit clearer in the way it says direction. Looking back at the two photos, they are both a bit abstract, but I am quite happy with both of them.
Anyway. It is a cracking road, the start of the Route Des Grandes Alpes running from the Cote D'Azur all the way up to Lake Geneva/Lac Leman. I had shot this road earlier in the year during some rally testing, and had thought about the possibility of shooting it at night.
As I dont have a remote shutter, I had to take five shots and then download starstax to stack the image (something I have never done before) which is a good practice for trying some star trails which I hope to do. It all seemed pretty easy to be honest.
Anyway, I was quite happy with the result. Would like to hear anyone elses opinion on this. Cheers

Hi Matty...now that I like.....any chance of a bigger version ? I know...it's all want want want from me :LOL:

Light trails is something I really enjoy & that road is brill for it...what a viewpoint you had (y) No idea what Starstax is but you appear to have it sussed...well done :clap:

If you get the chance to shoot there again....maybe try for slightly earlier in the evening to give the shot a little more light ?

As an abstract it works as well...can't help wondering how it would look if you rotated it 90 degrees right ?

Looking forward to your next 51 weeks...keep up the good work (y)
I personally like the darkness off of the road.

I also really like how you can just see the edges of the road from the headlights of the cars.

This is a really unique shot and I dont think Ive ever seen anything like it.
When I looked at your first image Matty I thought wow! that is a great take on the theme, well taken/processed and I could see something like that printed big and hung on the wall. But when I saw your second photograph I was even more impressed, that is a fantastic light trail you've captured there, bang on theme well composed and a nice little background story on your workflow. A great start to your 52 (y). Iain
Hi Matty,

That's one seriously impressive bit of road for light trails. I don't think I've ever seen light trails on such a grand scale and the end result is amazing. Is that a tunnel entrance on the far left? If so, my only suggestion would have been to frame the shot a bit further to the left to make more of it as a feature.

I'm surprised that the first one didn't go down better too. I think it's a great abstract and I like the ambiguity of it - it could quite easily be sand, snow or water. Not sure that the immediate foreground bit is adding anything though. I'd quite like it to start with the more sharply focused ridge just behind it.
Cheers guys. It's good to have learnt something New on week one. bodes well for the rest of the year.
I only just made it to take the shot as the day was dying. Managed to sit and watch the sunset before, but the sun sets behind this road, so it would be difficult for me to figure out how to expose.
I will try and post a bigger size tomorrow, I don't know why it isn't the size my photos usually post at.
Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm happy that people are feeling this shot more than the first. cheers
#1, was the grey snow intentional?

I guess one can see intentional in anything really and I can see it in this one. An interesting and abstract interpretation.

#2, as Lynne said...bigger please, but as it is it looks like a great vantage point.

#1, was the grey snow intentional?

I guess one can see intentional in anything really and I can see it in this one. An interesting and abstract interpretation.

#2, as Lynne said...bigger please, but as it is it looks like a great vantage point.


The grey snow was kinda intentional. I wanted to take the blue out of the image, which didn't leave me with much else on the palette. I thought it might help to accentuate the texture.
Will work on getting a bigger image for the cartrails after i finish work this evening.
Looking forward to getting next weeks theme in action already!
ps....don't forget to update the spreadsheet...makes it far simpler to track who's done what....link in 1st post where the themes are added each week...just stick an x in the box next to your name under the relevant theme..........I've updated wk 1 for you :)
Love the textures in the ripples... snow... interesting... wouldn't have known, but in this case, it doesn't matter.

However, the second shot fits the theme perfectly... really likeing that, although I didn't realise it was a road to start with (that's a good thing)
Time to dig this old thread up. I did struggle a bit with last weeks topic, but made sure to take a back up shot incase my plan didnt work out. My plan didn't work out at all, and my better half was none too pleased at having to hike up out of a river gorge along a very sketchy trail in the dark and minus temps.
My back up was a bit of a lucky shot, again, I am not sure how people will feel about my interpretation of the theme, but i think for two reasons, this can be considered on topic. I was thinking about the fear that a lot of people have towards insects and creepy crawlies, of which this guy seemed a particularly ugly type, and also perhaps the fear that he was feeling towards having a camera pointed at his face.
I'm pretty much a beginner at macro, but was quite satisfied with the results of this find. I bounced flash off a sheet of white paper above the grasshopper (cricket?) and tried to get as close to 1:1 macro as I could.
Anyway, I hope people find this fits the topic, and the weeks idea has at least given me a bit of incentive to start shooting more macro.


I felt that this picture out of the four i took, looked the most fearsome. The others are on my blog for anyone who is interested in seeing whether I was right.
