Met Police FlickR site with Riot photos

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Photos from the Met Police of rioters. Funny thing is that some people are fav'ing photos? Someone I know posted:

Let's see what happens when the Met start getting group invite spam from Flickr numpties ... "Your shot has been selected as the best in the Flickr. Please add it to group Cats R So Sweet, Post 3, Fave 5, Comment 2"

Wonder if they are looking for some photographic constructive criticism...

Funny thing is that some people are fav'ing photos?

Could be that they've seen one that they want to come back to later because they think they might know the person: i.e. using a Fav as a bookmark.

Or any number of other reasons.

Good for them - if it helps to catch the thieving scum and get them dealt with by the justice system then good luck to them. One op I organised recently the only picture of the suspect we had was from their facebook page :LOL: