Metal Bodied Canon 50mm F1.8

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Bit of a newbie here.

Been offered the above lens, beleive there called a Nifty Fifty ?

Its the metal bodied lens.

Any idea how old these are ?
Are they better or worse than the newer plastic bodied ones ?
Can get it for £55, worth it ?

Many Thanks, Sorry for all the questions
id go for it, the metal bodied versions are older and are of greater value. i bought one from a carboot for a tennet then sold it a week later on ebay for £120, its worth it even if you just wan to sell it on afterwards.
The metal bodied one is the first generation, the newer plastic one is the 2nd generation.

If I was offered £55 for the first generation, I wouldnt hesitate to buy it at all! (as long as its in working condition etc).

The advantage of metal over plastic is that its more robust. The plastic one can be a bit fragile and wont survive an accidental drop to the floor very well.