Metal dev tank, worth buying?

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Can anyone recommend, or not, buying a metal dev tank? I've not used one before, and am familiar with the Paterson tanks. I've not got one of my own though and would like to have one for home developing (I currently borrow equipment from a darkroom I have access to). There's one in a local charity shop for 7 €, that seems clean and with 2 35mm spirals, (is it right that it doesn't have a center column like the Paterson tanks?). It doesn't have any brand name on it so I don't know where it's come from. Also, how easy is it to get a 120 reel for these, and, maybe more importantly, how cheap, as I probably shoot more 120. I took a couple of photos of the tank in question, sorry for the bad phone camera quality.

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Thanks for any help!
For €7 don't hesitate. Over the course of about 20 years ('70's & '80's) I used both metal and plastic. Both feel a bit different but do the same job in the end. Many people will have strong opinions one way or the other but only you can decide for you. My preference is probably about 60-40 in favour of plastic.

The metal reels for 120 so be easy enough to get on ebay. I would be surprised if you found it difficult to source some.
As said, there's no reason not to buy it... I was shocked how much solution goes into mine, though, but I use aprons with it, rather than reels.
Thanks for the replies! I think I'll go see if it's still there tomorrow then and have a go with it. Do you know how much solution these tanks will need per film?
I think mine, which looks about the same, barring the reels, can hold 450ml of solution and that does two 35mm films
If the spirals are metal, I have heard that they can be harder to load the film into than plastic. I have only ever used plastic ones though so can't speak from experience. For that price I would have it. Sounds a bargain.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I got it, hopefully I'll get a chance to try it out soon and I'll let you know how it goes. Now if anyone has a 120 reel they'd like to sell (or donate ;)) then let me know!
