Metalliflash (self)

Well done for achieving an uncluttered image in such a cramped space lol.

Catchlights in your eyes are good and I like the expression echoed on your tee. Maybe a bit too burnt out on the right hand side and a bit high key for the subject. ;)
Thanks :) Yeah, I should have probably been a little more patient with the set up, but the model wasn't very good so I wanted to get it over with! :p

The flash camera right is only just cropped out, so you can tell how close it is. It was already on 1/128 power (minimum), so I guess the alternative is to reduce the aperture/increase shutter speed, and rebalance the other flash? Sorry, I'm fairly new to flash stuff
Don't apologise ;). It's all about the learning.

I don't do a lot with flash but what about bouncing it off the ceiling or firing it through something to diffuse the flash a bit.

I don't even know if that is the right advice lol