Midlands Rally + Special Guests

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Went to the Midlands Rally yesterday (SS12,13,17 & 18 @ Mallory Park) tis quite a nice little track, with a lake in the middle and some noisy resident cranes / stalks (or some other species with long legs, necks and beaks!).

plenty of good spectator access too, with minimal fencing - something of a shock after silverstone.. there was also an off road track which provided some good subject matter during the break :)

started off with shutter speeds of about 1/160th and slowly crept down to 1/40th by the afternoon, which was a touch too far I think..

anyway, feedback appreciated!

1) a few of the number one car..


3) escort on downshift @ 1/40th second

4) tidy mk2 escort

5) citroen c2 @ 1/60th second

6) ..and during the interlude..



9) finally, the airborne display team.. these guys were clearing about 10m.. hence no horrizon!
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I prefer the formation flying to all the rest.I think #7 would be better with the cropping off of the wire on the left.
Great pics. Well done on the slow shutter pans, and I'm loving the quad ones, but shame about the post in number 6.

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cheers for the replies - will revisit the quad shots and have a go at removing the post / netting etc..
I wanted to go to the Rally of the Midlands, seeing as most of it is held in or near to my home town. Unfortunately other circumstances had higher importance :(

Still, you took some good shots by the look of it. Nice job.
those pans are bang on. its no wonder you cought the flamin escort if you only had a 1/40th shutter speed! is that a full frame shot or is it cropped? if it is uncropped the 50mm was a good length for that location. usually i prefer tighter crops to those in 3 and 5 but they look good as they are.

of the quad shots i think 8 demonstrates the physical nature of it very well. im not sure wheteher i would prefer the last shot with or without horizon on it, to add a bit of perspective. i'll try and get mine up soon to try and provide a bit of a comparison.
yeah, the escort and the citroen were cropped quite a bit ~ 70% of original size. originally they were more like this peugeot - which I thought was a bit too small, as you lose so much detail when its resized down to 800 pixels!


So yeah, the 50mm f/1.8 was far from perfect, but it's useful as it forces me into a slightly different perspective.. otherwise I end up with loads of tight, side on pans shot at 200mm!
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Nice pictures. I covered this rally, not too sure about having a stage round a race track, but the first stage on saturday morning was good, if a bit damp...

Nice shot m8, yes Mallory Park is very photographer friendly isn't it
Nice pictures. I covered this rally, not too sure about having a stage round a race track, but the first stage on saturday morning was good, if a bit damp...

yeah, i imagine the other stages were a bit more lively - certainly didn't see any of the cars taking off at mallory!

nice shot anyway - feel free to post more if you like!

captainpenguin - looks like quite a good mix of cars at that meeting - particularly curious about the one with lotus europas, sunbeams, bike engined mini's and mazda rx-7's mixing it up!
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