Monitor Calibration....your chance to try it.

Canon Bob

Loves the Enemy
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I have a Pantone Spyder calibration unit for LCD and CRT monitors. Anybody who wants to borrow it is welcome to have it for the cost of one way postage...4.75 approx. I figure that if it travels around instead of backwards and forwards then it's half price for everybody.
Current supported upto XP but I'm trying to get the Vista software for it.

If you want to give it a try then add to this thread...not by PM please as it might fill up too quickly. We can then set it going around in the order of posts...assuming anyone wants it.
It's currently with Janice...who's next?
I'll co-ordinate the queue by PM'ing the next person in the list and passing the address on to whoever has it at the time.

how extremely generous and philanthropic of you!
Merry Christmas!

(not bidding, just saying!):clap:
Thats a very generous offer of you mate (y)
(Also not bidding, I've just calibrated mine :))
Does it support Mac OSX? I've asked santa for a monitor calibrator for christmas, but I'm very doubtful I will get one. 4 monitors in this house, and they all look different :(
ooo I would be up for this. My monitor needs a good calibration :) Excellent idea and very generous of you Bob ;)
I'd like to join in if that is ok, that's a very generous offer and I'll make a donation either to TP or the charity of your choice. (y)
are there any criteria's to meet? I've not been a member for long but would love to take up your very generous offer.
I'll just point out that calibration needs to be done on a regular basis, it's not a fire and forget process.

Purely for the forums liability it would also be worth checking the license agreement for the software...

Sorry to sound like a killjoy :(
true enough
but it might encourage x people to buy one that wouldn't have done so before :thinking:
Indeed put me on the list to borrow it! Would like to see what difference a real calibration makes, then buy one myself....
Does it support Mac OSX? I've asked santa for a monitor calibrator for christmas, but I'm very doubtful I will get one. 4 monitors in this house, and they all look different :(
It does support MAC although it may need the drver downloading. Janice has the gubbin's at the moment so maybe she could check the CD. If not I can grab the driver.

I'd like to join in if that is ok, that's a very generous offer and I'll make a donation either to TP or the charity of your choice. (y)
Nothing required Mr H but whatever makes you happy.

are there any criteria's to meet? I've not been a member for long but would love to take up your very generous offer.
The only criteria is a finger that can hold the sensor onto the screen for 3 minutes...I've slimmed the box down to reduce postage costs.
I'll just point out that calibration needs to be done on a regular basis, it's not a fire and forget process.
Purely for the forums liability it would also be worth checking the license agreement for the software...
Sorry to sound like a killjoy :(
I calibrated my monitor about 6 months ago....huge change. I did it again a couple of weeks ago but couldn't see a difference. I agree with what you say but the first time is the important one.
The licence issue.....It doesn't have to be registered to be used. As it's an item that can only be used by one person at one time then it is unlikely to be an's not like having software licences being bandied around. I have registered the Spyder but so did the person I bought it off.
yeah would like to see the sort of difference calibration would actually make.
It made a big difference to mine and Janice reports a similar improvement.

Jimmy look to be first up. Can you PM "Janice" on the forum with your address.

I forgot to add....onward postage to be RMSD with value of £100 specified......that'll cost you £4.75 to send it.

Very kind of you Canon Bob (y) would love to see the difference and would take you up on your good offer, but .........
.........unfortunatly I am on Vista :crying:

Mighty fine idea :clap:
So am I but i am seeing if i can get the vista drivers working ok... if so, iwill put on a disk and include when i post it on (y)
FYI, I have just calibrated mine with a rented Spyder 2, It worked fine with Vista, although I did need to add the profile manually, by going to;

display settings > Advanced > Colour Management > then add the color profile spyder had made.

Originally Posted by pxl8 View Post
I'll just point out that calibration needs to be done on a regular basis, it's not a fire and forget process.
Purely for the forums liability it would also be worth checking the license agreement for the software...
Sorry to sound like a killjoy

If calumet are renting them then there is unlikely to be any license issues to worry about :)
So maybe we need a list set up? So the person who has the spyder knows who to contact next.
So maybe we need a list set up? So the person who has the spyder knows who to contact next.

Sounds like a good idea but I sometimes vanish for a while if I'm stuck somewhere overseas without broadband.

Any volunteers?

i downloaded the vista drivers but although they installed this time...i couldnt get the program working like i could when i did it on the desktop with xp. (i dont make a habit of doing it on the desktop may i add!! ;))

I will put them in anyway.. but if anyone finds anything better... let us all know!! (y)
I'd loveto take up that offer. :) I have a couple of monitors that desperately need calibrating. :LOL:

And as for the list so far we have

Janice (Has it at the moment)

I think that's everyone so far. :)
The licence issue.....It doesn't have to be registered to be used.

Licence != registration. TBH it doesn't bother me one way or the other but if the licence says the software can only be installed on one machine or one multiple machines that are owned by the purchaser then technically it's not really any different to sending out copies of Photoshop. The fact that there's hardware involved doesn't stop those who've calibrated from enjoying the benefit of the result. A benefit that Pantone could argue is something that should be paid for.

Amazing how easy it is to turn a blind eye to these things when it suits us :cautious: :D

If calumet are renting them then there is unlikely to be any license issues to worry about :)

Unless of course Calumet have a different licence...
But whats to stop someone installing the software, using the product, then uninstalling the software?

Surely that can't break any license agreements?
Unless the resulting colour profile becomes the 'property' of Pantone, and therefore under the terms of the license agreement.
You need to keep the s/w installed in order to keep using the profile. The s/w adjusts the h/w gamma ramp in the gfx card - one of the reasons why you need to disable Adobe Gamma if you use a h/w calibration tool.

ColorVision do say the generated profiles can be distributed but not sold, rented, bundled, etc. but without the rest of the s/w you're not calibrated anyway.

However that is beside the point. The benefit of purchasing the product is being able to work with a calibrated display. Do you think a court would agree that anyone should be able to enjoy that benefit without making a purchase? Now it's getting very close to piracy. I bought a DVD and can watch it when I want. I can take it round a friends and watch it there as well. But if I leave a "copy" with the friend and continue to watch mine as well...

"It might encourage more sales.." won't hold up either any more than it does for Windows/Office/etc.

"If you want to encourage sales invite your friend round to see your calibrated display, if they're impressed they can buy their own", would be the likely response.

There is a tangible difference between continued use of the s/w to provide a calibrated display and the results it produces. I can buy a washing machine and wash your smelly socks - you can enjoy clean socks. Now if I had a way to buy a washing machine, send it you so you could clean your socks, send it on to someone else, etc. but did it in such a way that I cloned the machine (at no cost) so we are ALL cleaning our socks at the same time the maker of the washing won't be happy and will want protection to prevent that happening or they'll very quickly be out of business.

Now back to licence agreements. Generally they state that the s/w can be installed/used on one machine owned by the purchaser at a time. To install it on another machine you'd need to transfer the licence. Don't forget about OEM licences that are attached to the h/w they're sold with and not the individual. So if you buy a PC with Vista installed you can't sell the PC and keep the Vista licence. Most also say you can't lend the s/w...

I'm not saying don't do it, I know that some camera clubs do exactly this with h/w calibration kits, all I wanted to do was point out that legally it's on shakey ground and TP might want to consider where it stands on the matter.

Maybe someone wants to get in touch with ColorVision or Pantone and ask what their position is on the subject - do they provide some kind of club licence or something that the interested members could all chip in for... on the other hand they might say they couldn't care less but at least you've got it in writing (y)
no comment on the rights or wrongs of passing software around but you don't need to keep the software least not for windows xp. Download microsoft's colour control applet:

Assign the spyder profile to the monitor (I can't remember but the profiles must be saved in the program folder somewhere) and create a shortcut in the startup folder. To make sure windows loads up the profile automatically on startup, make sure the short cut target path contains the "/L" at the end.

You can delete everything to do with spyder...just make sure you put the profile file somewhere where it won't be deleted.

I have a feeling quickmonitorprofiler does the same job, assigning profiles to devices but not entirely it is anyway:

This is how I run dual monitors individually calibrated using only the spyderexpress package
I've looked at the details it dumped on my laptop but there's no mention of licence etc so I assume that it only gets screen time when you perform the initial installation.

Not wishing to dump the forum in trouble, I'll leave it to the mods to decide if they want the thread to remain.

On another note....I bypassed Griffy as he was hoping one would drop down his chimney next week....if not, we can swap put him after Jimmy L....sorry Griffy.

I would like to be added to the list if possible. Very kind of you to offer this.
Meant to update this when I got this from Janice, Birthday and Christmas took over, sorry :(

I have used it once, when I first got it, but am tempted to do it again tonight, but can get it sent off to the next person asap. I take it Griify04 should be next in the list as I manage to leap frog him?

Also there doesnt seem to be the little hanger and weight thing for use on LCDs so I fashioned my own out of some green garden wire.
Meant to update this when I got this from Janice, Birthday and Christmas took over, sorry :(

I have used it once, when I first got it, but am tempted to do it again tonight, but can get it sent off to the next person asap. I take it Griify04 should be next in the list as I manage to leap frog him?

Also there doesnt seem to be the little hanger and weight thing for use on LCDs so I fashioned my own out of some green garden wire.

I removed the hanger and weight before I sent it to Janice...the idea was to reduce postage costs...the dangly bits doubled the parcel weight so Janice agreed to hold it in place for the two or three minutes required.
Griffy was bypassed as it was uncertain whether santa was delivering his personal version. Better check to see if he needs it or not before passing it down the list.

Just to update the list:

Griffy04 (in possession)

Is this correct?
Looking forward to seeing how far out my monitor actually is! How often is it recommended to re-calibrate with a tft/lcd? I would have thought less often than a CRT? Did we manage to get any Vista software for this? As thats my current OS>? Shame on me! :bonk: