Critique Monster Caterpillar From Hell (Privet Hawk Moth)

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Browsing around the bushes in the garden as we have done a lot recently and Amy spotted these. Never seen such HUGE caterpillars in my life, had no clue what they were or what the "spike" on the end was, a quick Google shows they seem to be Privet Hawk Moth caterpillars. Massive buggers!!

To give an idea of size, that's a Vauxhall Vectra key next to it in the second shot.

C&C welcome on the first shot, second shot's really just to show size.

Monster Caterpillar From Hell (Privet Hawk Moth)
by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr

Monster Caterpillar From Hell (Privet Hawk Moth)
by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr
They're wonderful, aren't they? I found one a few years back when out mountainbiking, and it fit across the palm of my hand with a body almost as thick as my index finger.

From a technical POV the body is overexposed, losing detail, and the on-camera flash isn't helping either. Good composition, pose and focus though. :)
In my defence it was a bit of a grab shot (second shot is to show size only anyway) and yes, onboard flash used at quite close range so that doesn't help, I basically just ran inside, got the camera complete with whatever lens was fitted (18-105) and grabbed a couple of quick shots. May take some more tomorrow if the light's better.

They're quite beautiful looking things actually once you get over the initial "holy crap" aspect of them, been watching them for a while this evening. Made me jump initially, the size of them when I first saw them though.
Now that is something I'd like to see. I caught the moth a month ago and that was also a size.
You're in Lincolnshire according to your profile, if you can get down here you're more than welcome :)
Thanks for the offer. I'm not very mobile at present, fractured foot, but I'm keeping my eye out for any privet bushes nearby. I've trapped over a dozen moths in my garden so they might be nearby.
They are big beggers aren't they!

4 yrs ago I noticed the leaves on a young apple tree were disappearing at a rate of knots, but couldn't see anything at first. (looking for little beasties I think) then suddenly noticed one of these. (surprising how very well camouflaged it was) Holy crap! :eek:
I picked it off the branch & swear it tried to bite me! :( Wifey & kids couldn't believe the size of it.
Not knowing what it was I went straight on the'net, as you do, for an ident.

The day after I went back out to check the tree carefully & found another 11 of em.

Never seen them before, nor since, but as beautiful & impressive as they were, I wouldn't like too many of them in the garden, there wouldn't be anything left after a couple of weeks.
Had a quick look this morning and can only see one on the whole bush now. Where the other one was is several completely stripped branches right up to the top but on one branch there's a few leaves left at the very top. I'm guessing he was working his way up and a bird of some sort thought Xmas had come early.

Quick one from this morning.

Privet Hawk Moth Caterpillar
by Ian-Highlander, on Flickr