More Bouldering

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Just back from a trip to Fontainebleau, one of the best bouldering locations in the world. Only a short trip and most days were overcast meaning conditions were mint, but the light wasnt great. Tried a couple of shots with my new remote flash and definintley need more practice.
Fairly happy with these couple. c&c welcome.



These are great, really like all of them. Number 2 is the best for me as you can see the guys face. Can tell that you used the flash on 3 but did you use it on 1? or is that natural light? Certainly looks like natural light.

I'm of to Mallorca at the end of March. Will be checking out the bouldering when we're there (y)
only used the flash on no.3
We had good sunshine for no.1 with the trees and other boulders casting some nice shadows.
I tried to get above the climber on several of the other shots but as you can see most of the boulders there are fairly rounded and very high so it wasnt always easy.
No2 for me.
Great study of muscle definition in the last.
2 for me, though would have been better with a bit more space above the spotter's head.
Lovely set, am really jealous too!

Will have to go to out to the Works tonight just to dispel the cravings . .
One more for the set which I've just found and cropped. Not taken by me, if only I'd put the camera in idiot mode the gurn may have been in focus too.
Does my hand remind anyone else of the face huggers from Alien?
Even though you didn't take it, I like #5.... the focus is on the really really important part of the action... Having the gurn in focus may have detracted from the intensity of the shot. I think perhaps #2 is similar - the hand is more in focus than the gurn... I am not sure which I prefer - 5 has more immediate impact but 2 shows more of the climber...
