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I did my first equestrian event this weekend. I was second shooter for the event togger at a small local event. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed the challenge.

I'd never shot horses at all before but I think I got my eye in as the day went. An interesting change in mindset for me also. Normally I just shoot for myself, if I get a couple of keepers than I am happy. Whereas for this every missed shot is a potential missed sale. No real time to play or experiment really.

We got there nice and early, got a bacon butty and a coffee then walked the course and talked about where to position ourselves...

For the morning I stayed close to one fence for the Class 1:


Where I also tried to get the riders as they came back past me out of the woods (which was very tricky with white horses, dark background where the sun comes out!):


Apparently riders like it when you get the legs in a 'A' like this...


Class 2 was the same fences but in pairs:


In the afternoon for classes 3 and 4 I went to a more challenging fence (for both the riders and me!). The action was better but it was really tricky to get a decent shot without a fence judge or car in the background. Once I got it sussed I got a couple of OK ones...



And my only faller of the day:


On the whole I shot in AV using normal evaluative metering but found it was better to tweak the exposure compensation depending on whether it was a dark or light horse! I'd probably have found enough bravery to shoot manual but it was one of those cloudy / sunny windy days where the sun was continually going in and out of the clouds. The light was just changing too regularly.

Apologies for the watermark. C&C really appreciated on these.


Mark F
nice job, especially the first.

Only small criticism would be chopping the riders head in #4 but trying to get two in frame, in focus isn't easy. I think I might have zoomed back a bit for that one :)
They are good - well done - it can be difficult getting the timing right but i actually shocked myself when i did the same last week

Nice set with the last one a cracking capture (y)

nice job for your first try


nice job, especially the first.

Only small criticism would be chopping the riders head in #4 but trying to get two in frame, in focus isn't easy. I think I might have zoomed back a bit for that one :)

Thanks all for the positive feedback. Dod I agree about #4. This was one of the early ones and it was all happening so quickly I forgot to zoom out :bonk:
Number 1 is my favourite, can't say much to fault it!

R.e. the leg position in number 3, try and get it so that the legs nearest to you are stretching out, and the legs on the other side are meeting in the middle, it makes an all round better shape-
Like this...

rather than this:
No nothing about photographing horses but a good set and the first and last look great to me :)
Number 1 is my favourite, can't say much to fault it!


R.e. the leg position in number 3, try and get it so that the legs nearest to you are stretching out, and the legs on the other side are meeting in the middle, it makes an all round better shape-
Like this...
rather than this:

That's great advice! Thanks...

No nothing about photographing horses but a good set and the first and last look great to me :)

Cheers :)