Morris photographic (has anyone used them?)

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hi, not sure if this is the correct section as i have never really ventured into here lol.

but has anyone ever used morrisphotographic?

they seem alot cheaper than anywhere else i have seen certain things which just made me a bit suspicious :LOL: plus i've never heard of them.

A few times, never had any problem with them tbh :)
Yep, used them a few times.
Usually drive over there to get a look at the gear, it's all there present and correct.
Bought my studio lights from them, were very good when I sent one back for repair. No complaints here :)
I bought my first lens from them (Other than kit lenses). Stopped on the way over to the Cotswolds and bought in it in their shop. Excellent service and I have since bought a couple of items from them online, no complaints here. (y)
I have used them quite a lot, in fact I bought a Spyder 3 Pro (£99 delivered) from them last week.

Tis better to phone your order through though rather than use the internet, they will price match with their internet prices, but their internet orders always seem to take over a week. If you phone your order through though you will usually get it next day.

They have been in business for almost as long as I have been into photography (almost 30 years) and have always hed a reputation for good prices and good service.
Used them a couple of times. I have no problem recommending them.
I've bought quite a few things from them and with the one item there was a problem with (not their fault) the customer service was first class (y)
Yep, used them a few times.
Usually drive over there to get a look at the gear, it's all there present and correct.

Me too... Were a great help when I was trying out various bags and tripods. Spent ages in the showroom pulling their displays apart, with no complaints.
Yeah their service is second to none. I've used them a few times and last order there was an issue with a product, and the spare part to get things back on track was with me the next day. No complaints here, I'll use them again no hesitation.
We were out for a nice drive in the cotswolds and stopped in Chipping Norton for lunch.

me: "Oh look dear a camera shop"
her: "You planned this didn't you - what are you buying now?" :D

Good shop
I bought a tripod from them last xmas and have called them a few times about stock levels. Always helpful, would recommend. The only downside is that they're not based anywehre I go to on a regular basis!
I'm in the process of ordering something from them right now, and I will reserve all my complaints till they've sorted it out, but I have to say their customer service is appalling! I've sent several emails that have all gone unanswered, and my card has beeen debited but no goods!

Sigh... :|