
Two new tyres fitted today.

Thought I'd give Michelin Road 6 a go, as a lot of people seem to rate them.
all ive had on my bike since they came out were the road 5's, couldnt get a pair a couple of weeks ago so fitted a pair of 6's, ive lots of confidence in them ...lots, rain or shine they are really good, they are soft so are a bit prone to punctures but i can live with that for the grip they give...sods law i had them on the bike for only 2 weeks before i killed the bike, my new bike has dunlop roadsmarts on, they seem ok but il no doubt put some road 5 0r 6's on when i need new ones, in fact if i cant fix my other bike il take the bloody things off and fit them to the new one as they fit ( 190 back instead of the proper 180 but it will go in )
booked my bike in for ceramic coating in 3 weeks, il get it ac50'd at the same time, im not usually so precious with bikes as i belive they are there to ride and not spend time in the garage gleaming, but it was only 250 quid for both treatments and a mate reccomended the fella doing it so why not
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all ive had on my bike since they came out were the road 5's, couldnt get a pair a couple of weeks ago so fitted a pair of 6's, ive lots of confidence in them ...lots, rain or shine they are really good, they are soft so are a bit prone to punctures but i can live with that for the grip they give...sods law i had them on the bike for only 2 weeks before i killed the bike, my new bike has dunlop roadsmarts on, they seem ok but il no doubt put some road 5 0r 6's on when i need new ones, in fact if i cant fix my other bike il take the bloody things off and fit them to the new one as they fit ( 190 back instead of the proper 180 but it will go in )

If it's a practical option, maybe swap the tyres round on the bikes now. Of course, if the Dunlops are good enough, it might not be worth doing!
Bideford Bike Show this weekend (Sun 26th 1200 to 1800 ish) weather isn't looking too good though.

I'll check the weather closer to the time and might pack Mrs Nod off to see her Mum...

I just heard that it will be the last one they are not doing another one due to complications with the event organisation or some such thing. Might have to make a special effort, hopefully the weather will pick up for Sunday. :rolleyes:
Looking at the forecast for Sunday, it looks like steady rain from about 11:00 onwards. Drove up the A377 in the car a week or 2 ago and it's almost as much pothole as road, especially in the shady bits. I'll check the forecast again nearer the time but I'm getting too old (and boring!) to ride and stand around in the rain!
Looking at the forecast for Sunday, it looks like steady rain from about 11:00 onwards. Drove up the A377 in the car a week or 2 ago and it's almost as much pothole as road, especially in the shady bits. I'll check the forecast again nearer the time but I'm getting too old (and boring!) to ride and stand around in the rain!
It's got chance to change.................... :whistle:
2 chances - fat AND slim!!! (Or bu99er all and f*** all...)
It's got chance to change.................... :whistle:

What isn't going to change is the bloody Great West Run which is going to cut us off from the rest of the world (baring a 7 mile detour) from 07:00 until 12:00 on Sunday, so I'm going to have to give it a miss, @Topsy. PITA for me but even bigger for Mrs Nod whose business is unreachable all day and was booked out for several hours at £20 per hour.
What isn't going to change is the bloody Great West Run which is going to cut us off from the rest of the world (baring a 7 mile detour) from 07:00 until 12:00 on Sunday, so I'm going to have to give it a miss, @Topsy. PITA for me but even bigger for Mrs Nod whose business is unreachable all day and was booked out for several hours at £20 per hour.
Understood mate, the weather looks pants anyway. :(
That is another consideration! Had the weather looked even half decent, I'd have done the extra miles but even those few extra are likely to put me into refill miles on the Bobber...

Will sort out a date for a meet at Bovey when we get back from holiday - a bit busy before then (and the weather SHOULD be less unpredictable too!)
What isn't going to change is the bloody Great West Run which is going to cut us off from the rest of the world (baring a 7 mile detour) from 07:00 until 12:00 on Sunday, so I'm going to have to give it a miss, @Topsy. PITA for me but even bigger for Mrs Nod whose business is unreachable all day and was booked out for several hours at £20 per hour.
I thought there were compensation schemes for businesses that were impacted by such road closures?

Forecast now looks less bad and an alternative route up the valley to Tiverton then up the North Devon link road will avoid the worst of the potholes. I'll shove the waterproofs in the bag and hope!

I'll be wearing a Tilley hat and there is a "F**k Cancer" patch on the bottom of the back of my jacket and Triumph rockers on the shoulders. Longish grey beard and (hopefully!) aviator shades! Bobber has no airbox and a leather cover over the wiring behind the barrels. Monza style fuel cap.

Forecast now looks less bad and an alternative route up the valley to Tiverton then up the North Devon link road will avoid the worst of the potholes. I'll shove the waterproofs in the bag and hope!

I'll be wearing a Tilley hat and there is a "F**k Cancer" patch on the bottom of the back of my jacket and Triumph rockers on the shoulders. Longish grey beard and (hopefully!) aviator shades! Bobber has no airbox and a leather cover over the wiring behind the barrels. Monza style fuel cap.
I'm looking at the weather from here and iit's worse than it looked yesterday. I'll keep an eye on it but it isn't looking too good at the moment.
Looks like it's raining there now but stopping at 11:00 or so then dry until about 16:00.

I suppose I should really check that my waterproof 1 piece fits!!!
Looking at the animation on the forecast app, that heavy shower SHOULD be it as far as heavy rain goes until lighter showers in the afternoon. Of course, those showers will be heading up from your way so you would be riding home into them.
Decided to go for it in the end. The waterproofs DO still fit, although getting into/out of them is a little challenging these days! Having established that, I kept them on for the run up. One or 2 fairly heavy showers on the way up the A361 but since most of it seems to be roadworks and a 40 limit, it wasn't really a problem - and the waterproofs (a one-piece from Lidl 14 years ago!) are still waterproof, although they don't seal round the neck, so a little got in but not too much.
TBH, I was a little disappointed with the show. Plenty of bikes to see, from a lovely, patinated SS100 Brough Superior (Mrs Nod wants one...) through all manner of stock and custom machinery to a lawnmower engine powered chimera but precious few trade stands. Worth the trip up - but the ride itself was worth that!
Once I'd seen as much as I wanted to (and having bumped into a mate who moved away 30 or so years ago and having a catch up!), I came home down the A377 in the dry. Well, in the dry until I was 3 miles from home, at which point the rain started and the hungry light came on... A mile later, the heavens opened so although I was passing the top of our road, I carried on to fill up since I was already wet! At least I now know that the leather treatment I got at the Devon County Show DOES keep leather jackets as waterproof as possible (seams excepted!) and have been reminded that the lighter, more comfortable for walking round in Kevlar jeans aren't at all waterproof!!! At least I have a full tank and know that I can get 110 miles out of a tankful with some "spirited" riding involved!
Decided to go for it in the end. The waterproofs DO still fit, although getting into/out of them is a little challenging these days! Having established that, I kept them on for the run up. One or 2 fairly heavy showers on the way up the A361 but since most of it seems to be roadworks and a 40 limit, it wasn't really a problem - and the waterproofs (a one-piece from Lidl 14 years ago!) are still waterproof, although they don't seal round the neck, so a little got in but not too much.
TBH, I was a little disappointed with the show. Plenty of bikes to see, from a lovely, patinated SS100 Brough Superior (Mrs Nod wants one...) through all manner of stock and custom machinery to a lawnmower engine powered chimera but precious few trade stands. Worth the trip up - but the ride itself was worth that!
Once I'd seen as much as I wanted to (and having bumped into a mate who moved away 30 or so years ago and having a catch up!), I came home down the A377 in the dry. Well, in the dry until I was 3 miles from home, at which point the rain started and the hungry light came on... A mile later, the heavens opened so although I was passing the top of our road, I carried on to fill up since I was already wet! At least I now know that the leather treatment I got at the Devon County Show DOES keep leather jackets as waterproof as possible (seams excepted!) and have been reminded that the lighter, more comfortable for walking round in Kevlar jeans aren't at all waterproof!!! At least I have a full tank and know that I can get 110 miles out of a tankful with some "spirited" riding involved!
Well done mate (y) look forward to seeing some photos. I didn't bother in the end, I did set out (on the Honda) in the dry/sunny bit of the weather but only got a couple of miles before the heavens openned up and I got proper soaked so I binned it. If I'd set off with W/Proofs on I might have ridden through it but I didn't and before I could find some shelter to put them n it was too late.
Didn't take a camera and don't really use my phone for taking "photographs" so no pix, I'm afraid. Couldn't find the padded case for the little X-30 I was going to take so left it at home.

TBH, if my 'proofs had been easier to get off, I might have taken them off and ended up turning round too. I think my struggles disrobing up there must have given a few people a giggle!

Bobber needs a bit of a scrub after the wet roadworks on the way up but I've got a hose run through to the front now to make life a bit easier.
great little 250 mile ride round the yorkshire dales today, meant to be rainy but only had a wee shower , loads of gypsies around today, up there for the Applby fair next week, great to see the old horse drawn caravans, some of them were beautiful but they were causing major congestion for the 4 wheeled veicles especially up around the devils bridge with long tail backs on the narrow country lanes, no problem for me on the bike, roll on welsh wales tomorrow and its 20mph speed limits
I'm off to Wales as well tomorrow.

I'll do the Trinity of Vernwy, Bala and The Ponderosa.
the old stores is a much better cafe than the pondy, its 15-20 minutes away, full of great memorabelia, some of the roads up to and around vernwy can be a bit sketchy, nothing too bad but gravel on corners etc in places
I sometimes go to the old stores. It is a good cafe.

I ride out to Vernwy and Bala quite often. Slightly sketchy roads are part of the deal, particularly the single track road between the two.
I sometimes go to the old stores. It is a good cafe.

I ride out to Vernwy and Bala quite often. Slightly sketchy roads are part of the deal, particularly the single track road between the two.
i was over it on sunday, the hellfire pass, wales second highest road
The cafe at the bike shop in Denbigh, Sam’s is excellent too, although some of the roads in that area are really badly rutted
I didn't know that. Cheers.

What's the highest?
gospel pass in the breacons...ive been over it, wild horses on it in places, its a decent ride round there but some of the roads are very sketchy, ok on a bike with nobblies, i was on a sports bike
Oh yes it is we’ve been there did a nice breakfast wrap
i tried to go today on the way back...but it was shut, , great days riding, nice sunny dry weather for a change, 227 miles of great roads...well apart from the 20mph sections, drains your will to live, such a shame we only go there occasionally now( mind you ive been twice in 5 days) prefer the lakes or yorkshire dales, i cant be the only one, the welsh economy must be losing money hand over fist
I was hoping for a cuppa somewhere on my quick blast round the 40 mile block this morning but everywhere wasn't open yet! Mind you, I was home by 08:30!

Mrs Nod is at a class and the Sun is out so it would have been rude not to take advantage.
Nowhere for a cuppa over the Moor this morning either! Mind you, if there had been, I'd have needed an empty when I had to refuel!!!
enjoyed a quick 450 mile trip up and down to the north end of the Galloway forest in scotland today, ive had lashing down rain, hail stones and brilliant sunshine sometimes within ten minutes of each other...after all its only June, one last chance for a ride on sunday then the bikes going in for ceramic coating and im off to ibiza, desicions decisions where to go
DAVE DAY tomorrow 8th June 2024.. expecting up to 15 thousand bikers taveling up the M6 .. Must be good for a photo shoot if nothing else.. anyone going out either on the ride or finding a spot to shoot?

DAVE DAY tomorrow 8th June 2024.. expecting up to 15 thousand bikers taveling up the M6 .. Must be good for a photo shoot if nothing else.. anyone going out either on the ride or finding a spot to shoot?

i was planning on riding up but just too much to do today..they have half decent weather for it today, should be a good day