Daily Mr and Mrs West's Year of Change 366 for 2012 (366/366) -DONE!

I love masks - I must have missed that one on Flickr.

Rain Drops by DrHWest, on Flickr

Walked Over My Grave by DrHWest, on Flickr

Yin/Yang by DrHWest, on Flickr

Those are obviously a selection: there's an awful lot of filler in there, including many that are largely captures of the baby doing things that seem cute to first time parents but are of no use to anyone else. The rest are in the set on Flickr if anyone's interested.

The biggest thing for me is that the project has helped me understand the technical aspects of wielding a camera and, more importantly, forget them. I'm now able to instinctively set aperture and shutter for most situations - and that itself frees me to create the images I want to.

That means that I can do three shoots, months apart, to produce the elements that let me do this:

Lightning in a bottle Final by DrHWest, on Flickr

Faerietale by DrHWest, on Flickr

I'm actually getting to the point where I can produce the stuff I can see in my head:

Legion by DrHWest, on Flickr

Which I would never have been able to do without this challenge. So thank you all for your support, and I promise to try and keep up to date from now on.
Superb photography , i'm lovely autumn apparently and snow white !

Thanks; Snow White was the picture that killed my last PC. 19 layers of RAW shots proved to be too much. :)

The model isn't happy with her pose, so she asked me to do the shot again in the spring. I've agreed in return for her doing Red Riding Hood when we get some snow.
Lightning in a bottle.... I admit all I can see is her left eye and The beautiful tone of her hair ... Great effect with the jar... !!
All I can say is wow what an update, far to many to comment on them all the the fairy is great and I love the flame in hands :D but over all what amazing PP skills something that I can only aspire to :clap:
All I can say is wow what an update, far to many to comment on them all the the fairy is great and I love the flame in hands :D but over all what amazing PP skills something that I can only aspire to :clap:

The weird thing is the big flashy stuff is relatively fast. The harder stuff is the PP on the shots that look 'natural' cos that takes bloody ages.
Well done and happy new year
Congratulations! :clap:

All I can say is, I've just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes or so looking at some of your amazing shots! :)